
集海資源:董 事 會 會 議 通 告


HKEX ·  Nov 11, 2024 03:33

Summary by Futu AI

集海資源集團有限公司(「本公司」)將於2024年11月29日(星期五)召開董事會會議,主要目的是批准及發佈本公司及其附屬公司截至2024年9月30日止九個月的未經審核業績。本公司董事會成員包括執行董事邵緒新博士、Mackie James Thomas先生、盧卓光先生及陳紹惠先生,非執行董事陳立北先生,以及獨立非執行董事。會議將在香港舉行,由邵緒新博士擔任主席、行政總裁兼執行董事。
集海資源集團有限公司(「本公司」)將於2024年11月29日(星期五)召開董事會會議,主要目的是批准及發佈本公司及其附屬公司截至2024年9月30日止九個月的未經審核業績。本公司董事會成員包括執行董事邵緒新博士、Mackie James Thomas先生、盧卓光先生及陳紹惠先生,非執行董事陳立北先生,以及獨立非執行董事。會議將在香港舉行,由邵緒新博士擔任主席、行政總裁兼執行董事。
Persistence Res Group Limited ("the Company") will convene a board of directors meeting on Friday, November 29, 2024, with the main purpose of approving and releasing the unaudited performance of the Company and its subsidiaries for the nine months ending on September 30, 2024. The board of directors of the Company includes Executive Director Dr. Shao Xuxin, Mr. Mackie James Thomas, Mr. Lu Zhuoguang, and Mr. Chen Shaohui, as well as Non-executive Director Mr. Chen Libei and independent non-executive directors. The meeting will be held in Hong Kong, chaired by Dr. Shao Xuxin, who also serves as the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director.
Persistence Res Group Limited ("the Company") will convene a board of directors meeting on Friday, November 29, 2024, with the main purpose of approving and releasing the unaudited performance of the Company and its subsidiaries for the nine months ending on September 30, 2024. The board of directors of the Company includes Executive Director Dr. Shao Xuxin, Mr. Mackie James Thomas, Mr. Lu Zhuoguang, and Mr. Chen Shaohui, as well as Non-executive Director Mr. Chen Libei and independent non-executive directors. The meeting will be held in Hong Kong, chaired by Dr. Shao Xuxin, who also serves as the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director.

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