
Novavax | 8-K: Settlement Agreement

SEC ·  Nov 6, 2024 06:06

Summary by Futu AI

Novavax has entered into a Termination and Settlement Agreement with the UK Health Security Agency on November 1, 2024, resolving disputes related to their COVID-19 vaccine supply agreement. The settlement requires Novavax to refund $123.8 million to the UK authority, which includes $11.3 million in interest provisions.The repayment will be structured in equal quarterly installments of $10.3 million over three years, ending June 30, 2027, with the first payment due on November 30, 2024. The company has the option to accelerate payments to avoid interest charges. The agreement effectively terminates the previously amended vaccine supply agreement from July 2022 and releases both parties from all related claims.
Novavax has entered into a Termination and Settlement Agreement with the UK Health Security Agency on November 1, 2024, resolving disputes related to their COVID-19 vaccine supply agreement. The settlement requires Novavax to refund $123.8 million to the UK authority, which includes $11.3 million in interest provisions.The repayment will be structured in equal quarterly installments of $10.3 million over three years, ending June 30, 2027, with the first payment due on November 30, 2024. The company has the option to accelerate payments to avoid interest charges. The agreement effectively terminates the previously amended vaccine supply agreement from July 2022 and releases both parties from all related claims.

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