Summary by Futu AI
Hangzhou Qiming Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. (Qiming Medical - B) submitted the latest monthly securities change report to the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited on November 5, 2024, reporting the share changes as of October 31, 2024. The report shows that the company's statutory/registered capital and issued shares (excluding treasury shares) remained unchanged during the reporting period, with common H shares held at 441,010,235 shares with a par value of 1 RMB per share, and non-listed foreign shares held at 1,208 shares. Additionally, the company's share option plan remained unchanged, and it confirmed that all securities issuance or treasury shares sales or transfers were authorized by the board of directors and complied with relevant regulations. The share repurchase event mentioned in the report refers to the 3,114,000 H shares repurchased in December 2021 but not yet canceled by the end of the reporting period.