
8-K: Current report

SEC ·  Nov 2, 2024 04:08

Summary by Futu AI

On October 28, 2024, received a notice from Nasdaq indicating that the company no longer meets the minimum Market Value of Publicly Held Shares (MVPHS) requirement of $5,000,000, based on the last 30 consecutive business days review.Nasdaq has granted the company a 180-calendar day grace period until April 28, 2025, to regain compliance. The company can regain compliance if its MVPHS closes at $5,000,000 or more for a minimum of ten consecutive business days during this period. If compliance is not achieved by the deadline, the company will receive a delisting notification.
On October 28, 2024, received a notice from Nasdaq indicating that the company no longer meets the minimum Market Value of Publicly Held Shares (MVPHS) requirement of $5,000,000, based on the last 30 consecutive business days review.Nasdaq has granted the company a 180-calendar day grace period until April 28, 2025, to regain compliance. The company can regain compliance if its MVPHS closes at $5,000,000 or more for a minimum of ten consecutive business days during this period. If compliance is not achieved by the deadline, the company will receive a delisting notification.

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