
Microsoft | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

SEC ·  Oct 31 03:10

Summary by Futu AI

On October 30, 2024, Arjuna Capital and Open MIC submitted a proxy proposal for Microsoft Corporation's 2024 Annual Meeting, urging shareholders to vote 'FOR' Proposal 8. This proposal requests Microsoft to report on the risks associated with misinformation and disinformation generated by its generative Artificial Intelligence (gAI) technologies, plans to mitigate these risks, and the effectiveness of such efforts. The proponents highlight the economic and societal dangers posed by gAI-generated misinformation, citing the World Economic Forum's ranking of it as the top global risk over the next two years. They argue that Microsoft's gAI is prone to disseminating misinformation, which presents legal, regulatory, and reputational risks to the company. The proposal calls for a report to be published within one year and updated annually, assessing the risks to Microsoft's operations, finances, and public welfare, and detailing steps to remediate any harms. The proponents emphasize the urgency of addressing these risks to protect Microsoft's long-term financial health and shareholder value.
On October 30, 2024, Arjuna Capital and Open MIC submitted a proxy proposal for Microsoft Corporation's 2024 Annual Meeting, urging shareholders to vote 'FOR' Proposal 8. This proposal requests Microsoft to report on the risks associated with misinformation and disinformation generated by its generative Artificial Intelligence (gAI) technologies, plans to mitigate these risks, and the effectiveness of such efforts. The proponents highlight the economic and societal dangers posed by gAI-generated misinformation, citing the World Economic Forum's ranking of it as the top global risk over the next two years. They argue that Microsoft's gAI is prone to disseminating misinformation, which presents legal, regulatory, and reputational risks to the company. The proposal calls for a report to be published within one year and updated annually, assessing the risks to Microsoft's operations, finances, and public welfare, and detailing steps to remediate any harms. The proponents emphasize the urgency of addressing these risks to protect Microsoft's long-term financial health and shareholder value.

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