Summary by Futu AI
Asian Citrus Holdings Limited ("the Company") has issued a notice to non-registered shareholders on October 30, 2024, announcing that the 2023/24 annual report can be accessed on the company's website and the hkex disclosure website. The Company reminds non-registered shareholders that if they wish to receive company communications via email, they should provide a valid email address to the intermediary institutions holding their shares. If the Company cannot obtain a valid email address from the intermediary institutions, shareholders will not receive notifications of company communications and will need to actively check the relevant websites. The Company emphasizes that if company communications are sent to the email address provided to shareholders and no bounce-back is received, it will be deemed compliant with listing rules. In addition, shareholders who require a printed version of the company communications can fill out a reply form and contact the Hong Kong Share Registrar. This instruction is valid for one year. Any inquiries can be made to the Share Registrar during office hours.
Reason For Report