

List of Directors and their Roles and Functions

HKEX ·  Oct 28, 2024 22:11

Summary by Futu AI

China Res Land Limited ("China Res Land") announced on October 28, 2024 the list of its board of directors and their respective roles and functions. The board of directors consists of executive directors and non-executive directors, with executive directors including Li Xin (Chairman), Zhang Dawei (Vice Chairman), Guo Shiqing, Chen Wei, and Xu Rong; independent non-executive directors include Chung Wai, Sun Zhe, Chen Fan, Leung Kwok Kuen, and Qin Hong; non-executive directors are Dou Jian, Huang Ting, and Wei Chenglin. The board of directors has set up six committees, including the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee, Corporate Governance Committee, Executive Committee, and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, and disclosed the positions of each committee member, with Li Xin as the chairman of four committees, while Chung Wai and Chen Fan also serving as chairpersons or members in multiple committees.
China Res Land Limited ("China Res Land") announced on October 28, 2024 the list of its board of directors and their respective roles and functions. The board of directors consists of executive directors and non-executive directors, with executive directors including Li Xin (Chairman), Zhang Dawei (Vice Chairman), Guo Shiqing, Chen Wei, and Xu Rong; independent non-executive directors include Chung Wai, Sun Zhe, Chen Fan, Leung Kwok Kuen, and Qin Hong; non-executive directors are Dou Jian, Huang Ting, and Wei Chenglin. The board of directors has set up six committees, including the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee, Corporate Governance Committee, Executive Committee, and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, and disclosed the positions of each committee member, with Li Xin as the chairman of four committees, while Chung Wai and Chen Fan also serving as chairpersons or members in multiple committees.

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