

Remuneration Committee Charter

HKEX ·  Oct 28, 2024 17:57

Summary by Futu AI

CNOOC recently released the charter of its Compensation Committee, clarifying various details such as the purpose, organizational structure, meeting regulations, shareholder participation, communication mechanisms, meeting records, evaluation, powers, responsibilities, and duties of the committee. The main responsibilities of the Compensation Committee include reviewing and approving the compensation plans for executive directors and senior management, as well as making recommendations to the board of directors on all director and senior management compensation policies. The majority of committee members are independent non-executive directors appointed by the board. The Compensation Committee must meet at least once a year and evaluate its effectiveness annually. Additionally, the Compensation Committee is also responsible for managing share incentive plans and other equity-based compensation plans. The charter was approved and adopted by the board of directors on October 28, 2024.
CNOOC recently released the charter of its Compensation Committee, clarifying various details such as the purpose, organizational structure, meeting regulations, shareholder participation, communication mechanisms, meeting records, evaluation, powers, responsibilities, and duties of the committee. The main responsibilities of the Compensation Committee include reviewing and approving the compensation plans for executive directors and senior management, as well as making recommendations to the board of directors on all director and senior management compensation policies. The majority of committee members are independent non-executive directors appointed by the board. The Compensation Committee must meet at least once a year and evaluate its effectiveness annually. Additionally, the Compensation Committee is also responsible for managing share incentive plans and other equity-based compensation plans. The charter was approved and adopted by the board of directors on October 28, 2024.

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