
陽光房地產基金:翌日披露報表 (2024年10月28日)

SUNLIGHT REIT: Next Day Disclosure Return (28 October 2024)

HKEX ·  Oct 28, 2024 17:02

Summary by Futu AI

陽光房地產投資信託基金(Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust)於2024年10月28日提交了新的翌日披露報表,披露其已發行單位數目出現變動。根據報表,陽光房地產投資信託基金於2024年9月30日的已發行單位為1,714,051,303單位,而截至2024年10月28日,已發行單位增加至1,726,707,663單位。增加的單位主要用於支付管理人費用,其中包括截至2024年6月30日止季度之管理人費用之50%共6,684,829單位,以及截至2024年9月30日止季度之管理人費用之50%共5,971,531單位。這些單位的發行價格分別為HKD 1.723及HKD 1.918。報表由恒基陽光資產管理有限公司的公司秘書鍾小樺呈交。
陽光房地產投資信託基金(Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust)於2024年10月28日提交了新的翌日披露報表,披露其已發行單位數目出現變動。根據報表,陽光房地產投資信託基金於2024年9月30日的已發行單位為1,714,051,303單位,而截至2024年10月28日,已發行單位增加至1,726,707,663單位。增加的單位主要用於支付管理人費用,其中包括截至2024年6月30日止季度之管理人費用之50%共6,684,829單位,以及截至2024年9月30日止季度之管理人費用之50%共5,971,531單位。這些單位的發行價格分別為HKD 1.723及HKD 1.918。報表由恒基陽光資產管理有限公司的公司秘書鍾小樺呈交。
Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust submitted a new next-day disclosure report on October 28, 2024, disclosing a change in the number of issued units. According to the report, the number of issued units of Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust was 1,714,051,303 units as of September 30, 2024, and as of October 28, 2024, the number of issued units increased to 1,726,707,663 units. The additional units were mainly used to pay the manager's fees, including 50% of the manager's fees for the quarter ending June 30, 2024, totaling 6,684,829 units, and 50% of the manager's fees for the quarter ending September 30, 2024, totaling 5,971,531 units. The issuance prices of these units were HKD 1.723 and HKD 1.918 respectively. The report was submitted by the company secretary, Chung Siu Fung of Hang Seng Sun Asset Management Limited.
Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust submitted a new next-day disclosure report on October 28, 2024, disclosing a change in the number of issued units. According to the report, the number of issued units of Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust was 1,714,051,303 units as of September 30, 2024, and as of October 28, 2024, the number of issued units increased to 1,726,707,663 units. The additional units were mainly used to pay the manager's fees, including 50% of the manager's fees for the quarter ending June 30, 2024, totaling 6,684,829 units, and 50% of the manager's fees for the quarter ending September 30, 2024, totaling 5,971,531 units. The issuance prices of these units were HKD 1.723 and HKD 1.918 respectively. The report was submitted by the company secretary, Chung Siu Fung of Hang Seng Sun Asset Management Limited.

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