
龍源電力:海外監管公告 - 第五屆監事會2024年第4次會議決議公告

CHINA LONGYUAN: Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Announcement of Resolutions of the Fourth Meeting of the Fifth Board of Supervisors in 2024

HKEX ·  Oct 22 21:49

Summary by Futu AI

China Longyuan Group Limited held the fifth board of directors meeting of the year on October 22, 2024 in Peking. All members attended the meeting, which was chaired by Mr. Liu Jinji, the chairman of the board of directors. The meeting mainly reviewed the supplemental commitment letter (II) issued by the major shareholder, National Energy Group, to avoid competition. The letter was approved unanimously and is in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. It was reviewed during a special meeting by independent directors to ensure the legality and effectiveness of the voting process without harming the interests of the company and minority shareholders. The specific resolutions of the meeting have been publicly disclosed on the same day on the Doo-Wally Information Network and multiple securities journals.
China Longyuan Group Limited held the fifth board of directors meeting of the year on October 22, 2024 in Peking. All members attended the meeting, which was chaired by Mr. Liu Jinji, the chairman of the board of directors. The meeting mainly reviewed the supplemental commitment letter (II) issued by the major shareholder, National Energy Group, to avoid competition. The letter was approved unanimously and is in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. It was reviewed during a special meeting by independent directors to ensure the legality and effectiveness of the voting process without harming the interests of the company and minority shareholders. The specific resolutions of the meeting have been publicly disclosed on the same day on the Doo-Wally Information Network and multiple securities journals.

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