


HKEX ·  Oct 16, 2024 20:33

Summary by Futu AI

New Ray Medic International Holdings Limited ("the Company") announced on October 16, 2024, that Mr. Ho Chi Hung, an executive director, has resigned from his position as executive director and member of the board of directors' corporate governance committee due to pursuing other business interests and commitments. Mr. Ho's resignation will lead to a restructuring of the corporate governance committee, with the new composition chaired by Ms. Wang Qiuchin, and Mr. She Li-xian and Ms. Zhou Wan as members. Mr. Ho has confirmed no disagreements with the board of directors and no matters requiring reporting to shareholders or the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The board of directors expresses gratitude to Mr. Ho for his contributions during his tenure.
New Ray Medic International Holdings Limited ("the Company") announced on October 16, 2024, that Mr. Ho Chi Hung, an executive director, has resigned from his position as executive director and member of the board of directors' corporate governance committee due to pursuing other business interests and commitments. Mr. Ho's resignation will lead to a restructuring of the corporate governance committee, with the new composition chaired by Ms. Wang Qiuchin, and Mr. She Li-xian and Ms. Zhou Wan as members. Mr. Ho has confirmed no disagreements with the board of directors and no matters requiring reporting to shareholders or the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The board of directors expresses gratitude to Mr. Ho for his contributions during his tenure.

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