

Notice of Annual General Meeting

HKEX ·  Oct 7, 2024 16:39

Summary by Futu AI

New World Development Company Limited (referred to as New World Development) will hold its annual shareholder meeting on November 7, 2024 (Thursday) at 12:00 noon on the 53rd and 4th floors of New World Development Center, 30 Harbour Road, Hong Kong. The meeting will deliberate on proposals including share repurchase authorization, issuance authorization, expanded issuance authorization, and re-election of directors. Shareholders who are unable to attend in person should promptly complete the enclosed proxy appointment form and return it to the company's share transfer registration office by 12:00 noon on November 5, 2024 (Tuesday) or earlier. The agenda of this meeting also includes reviewing and accepting the audited comprehensive financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2024, declaring final dividends, and reappointing auditors. Based on the nominee committee...Show More
New World Development Company Limited (referred to as New World Development) will hold its annual shareholder meeting on November 7, 2024 (Thursday) at 12:00 noon on the 53rd and 4th floors of New World Development Center, 30 Harbour Road, Hong Kong. The meeting will deliberate on proposals including share repurchase authorization, issuance authorization, expanded issuance authorization, and re-election of directors. Shareholders who are unable to attend in person should promptly complete the enclosed proxy appointment form and return it to the company's share transfer registration office by 12:00 noon on November 5, 2024 (Tuesday) or earlier. The agenda of this meeting also includes reviewing and accepting the audited comprehensive financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2024, declaring final dividends, and reappointing auditors. Based on the nominee committee's review, Mr. Ye Dikei, Professor Wang Yujian, Mr. Guan Zhuoran, Mr. Guo Jihui, Mr. Dong Zihao, Mr. Liu Deyang, and Ms. Feng Xiuyan will retire and seek reelection at the meeting. The Board of Directors believes that granting share repurchase authorization, issuance authorization, and re-election of directors are all in the overall best interests of the company and shareholders, and recommends shareholders to vote in favor of the relevant resolutions.

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