Summary by Futu AI
CM Bank submitted the latest Securities and Futures Commission report to the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited on October 2, 2024, reporting the shareholding changes as of September 30, 2024. The report shows that there were no changes in Shares listed in Hong Kong and A Shares (stock code 03968 and 600036 respectively) of CM Bank during the reporting period, with the closing quantities of H Shares and A Shares being 4,590,901,172 shares and 20,628,944,429 shares respectively. In addition, there were no changes in CM Bank's domestic preference shares (stock code 360028), with a closing quantity of 275,000,000 shares. The month-end total statutory/registered capital amounted to 52.719845601 billion RMB. The report mentioned that as CM Bank is a company registered in China, the term "statutory capital" in the report actually refers to "registered capital". The report was submitted by the joint company secretary, He Yongzi.