
佳兆業集團:致非登記持有人之信函及申請表格 - 2024年中期報告之發佈通知

KAISA GROUP: Notification letter with reply form to non-registered shareholders - Notification of Publication of Interim Report 2024

HKEX ·  Sep 30 07:19

Summary by Futu AI

Kaisa Group Holdings Limited (referred to as "Kaisa Group") has released the 2024 interim report on September 30, 2024. The report is available in both Chinese and English versions and can be viewed on the company's and hkex news websites. The company informs non-registered shareholders that all future company communications will be electronically published instead of in print. Non-registered shareholders who wish to receive a printed version of company communications must provide an email address to the share registrar or fill out a reply form to indicate their preference. The company emphasizes that if shareholders fail to provide a valid email address, they may not receive notifications of company communication releases and need to actively check the relevant websites for the latest information.
Kaisa Group Holdings Limited (referred to as "Kaisa Group") has released the 2024 interim report on September 30, 2024. The report is available in both Chinese and English versions and can be viewed on the company's and hkex news websites. The company informs non-registered shareholders that all future company communications will be electronically published instead of in print. Non-registered shareholders who wish to receive a printed version of company communications must provide an email address to the share registrar or fill out a reply form to indicate their preference. The company emphasizes that if shareholders fail to provide a valid email address, they may not receive notifications of company communication releases and need to actively check the relevant websites for the latest information.

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