

CHINA COMM CONS: 2024 Interim Report

HKEX ·  Sep 27, 2024 16:31

Summary by Futu AI

中國交通建設有限公司(CHINA COMM CONS)公佈了截至2024年6月30日的未經審計的2024年中期財務報告。報告顯示,公司營收為3560億元人民幣,較去年同期下降2.6%。然而,毛利為4159.6億元人民幣,同比增長4.2%,營業利潤為2052.7億元人民幣,同比增長4.0%。歸屬於股東的利潤為1202.2億元人民幣,下降了3.1%,基本每股收益為0.70元人民幣,下降了4.1%。公司總資產達到1.86485萬億元人民幣,較上年底增長10.7%,總負債為1.39515萬億元人民幣,增長了13.9%,股東權益為4696.99億元人民幣,增長了2.3%,歸屬於股東的權益為3090.65...展開全部
中國交通建設有限公司(CHINA COMM CONS)公佈了截至2024年6月30日的未經審計的2024年中期財務報告。報告顯示,公司營收為3560億元人民幣,較去年同期下降2.6%。然而,毛利為4159.6億元人民幣,同比增長4.2%,營業利潤為2052.7億元人民幣,同比增長4.0%。歸屬於股東的利潤為1202.2億元人民幣,下降了3.1%,基本每股收益為0.70元人民幣,下降了4.1%。公司總資產達到1.86485萬億元人民幣,較上年底增長10.7%,總負債為1.39515萬億元人民幣,增長了13.9%,股東權益為4696.99億元人民幣,增長了2.3%,歸屬於股東的權益為3090.65億元人民幣,增長了2.4%。新簽合同額為9608.67億元人民幣,增長了8.4%,未完成合同金額截至2024年6月30日為3.536243萬億元人民幣。此外,公司提出了每10股派發1.4005元人民幣(含稅)的中期股息計劃。公司作為中國領先的基礎設施企業,在建設、設計和疏浚業務方面具有全球影響力,業務遍及139個國家和地區。公司董事長表示,通過實施高質量發展戰略,公司保持了良好的發展趨勢,並與投資者共享發展成果。公司的業務策略聚焦於「大交通」和「大城市」,增強在國家戰略中的核心功能,推動高質量發展,並加強黨對商業運營的領導。
China Comm Cons announced its unaudited 2024 interim financial report as of June 30, 2024. The report shows that the revenue of the company is 356 billion RMB, a decrease of 2.6% compared to the same period last year. However, the gross profit is 415.96 billion RMB, a year-on-year increase of 4.2%, with an operating profit of 205.27 billion RMB, a year-on-year increase of 4.0%. The profit attributable to shareholders is 120.22 billion RMB, a decrease of 3.1%, with a basic EPS of 0.70 RMB, a decrease of 4.1%. The total assets of the company reached 1.86485 trillion RMB, an increase of 10.7% from the previous year, with total liabilities of 1.39515 trillion RMB, an increase of 13.9%, shareholder equity of 469.699 billion RMB, an increase of 2.3%, and equity attributable to shareholders of 309.065 billion...Show More
China Comm Cons announced its unaudited 2024 interim financial report as of June 30, 2024. The report shows that the revenue of the company is 356 billion RMB, a decrease of 2.6% compared to the same period last year. However, the gross profit is 415.96 billion RMB, a year-on-year increase of 4.2%, with an operating profit of 205.27 billion RMB, a year-on-year increase of 4.0%. The profit attributable to shareholders is 120.22 billion RMB, a decrease of 3.1%, with a basic EPS of 0.70 RMB, a decrease of 4.1%. The total assets of the company reached 1.86485 trillion RMB, an increase of 10.7% from the previous year, with total liabilities of 1.39515 trillion RMB, an increase of 13.9%, shareholder equity of 469.699 billion RMB, an increase of 2.3%, and equity attributable to shareholders of 309.065 billion RMB, an increase of 2.4%. The newly signed contract amount is 960.867 billion RMB, an increase of 8.4%, and the unfinished contract amount as of June 30, 2024 is 3.536243 trillion RMB. In addition, the company proposed a mid-term dividend plan of 1.4005 RMB per 10 shares (including tax). As a leading infrastructure enterprise in China, the company has global influence in construction, design, and dredging business, operating in 139 countries and regions. The chairman of the company stated that by implementing a high-quality development strategy, the company has maintained a positive development trend and shared development achievements with investors. The company's business strategy focuses on "major transportation" and "major cities," enhancing core functions in national strategies, promoting high-quality development, and strengthening the party's leadership in business operations.

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