


HKEX ·  Sep 26 16:51

Summary by Futu AI

Apollo智慧出行集團有限公司(「AFMG」)公佈截至2024年6月30日止六個月的未經審核中期業績。期內,公司收入為126,235千港元,毛利為12,310千港元,期內虧損為347,895千港元,每股虧損為50.14港仙。公司於期內完成對日本及美國尊貴客戶交付兩輛Apollo IE頂級超跑,並於2024年1月及5月成功完成兩輪配股,共發行541,783,162股新股,所得款項總額約為254,000,000港元。此外,公司於2024年7月26日訂立買賣協議,出售其於Divergent的全部權益,總代價為101,533,292.15美元(約793,000,000港元)。公司於報告期後無購買、出售或贖回任何證券,並已遵守相關企業管治守則。董事會未宣派任何中期股息。
Apollo智慧出行集團有限公司(「AFMG」)公佈截至2024年6月30日止六個月的未經審核中期業績。期內,公司收入為126,235千港元,毛利為12,310千港元,期內虧損為347,895千港元,每股虧損為50.14港仙。公司於期內完成對日本及美國尊貴客戶交付兩輛Apollo IE頂級超跑,並於2024年1月及5月成功完成兩輪配股,共發行541,783,162股新股,所得款項總額約為254,000,000港元。此外,公司於2024年7月26日訂立買賣協議,出售其於Divergent的全部權益,總代價為101,533,292.15美元(約793,000,000港元)。公司於報告期後無購買、出售或贖回任何證券,並已遵守相關企業管治守則。董事會未宣派任何中期股息。
Apollo Smart Mobility Group Limited ("AFMG") announced its unaudited interim performance for the six months ended June 30, 2024. During the period, the company's revenue was HK$126,235,000, gross profit was HK$12,310,000, net loss was HK$347,895,000, and loss per share was 50.14 HK cents. The company delivered two Apollo IE high-end supercars to prestigious clients in Japan and the USA during the period and successfully completed two rounds of rights issues in January and May 2024, issuing a total of 541,783,162 new shares and raising approximately HK$254,000,000. Additionally, on July 26, 2024, the company entered into an agreement to sell all its interests in Divergent for a total consideration of approximately US$101,533,292.15 (around HK$793,000,000). The company made no purchases, sales, or redemptions of any securities after the reporting period and has complied with relevant corporate governance practices. The board of directors did not declare any interim dividends.
Apollo Smart Mobility Group Limited ("AFMG") announced its unaudited interim performance for the six months ended June 30, 2024. During the period, the company's revenue was HK$126,235,000, gross profit was HK$12,310,000, net loss was HK$347,895,000, and loss per share was 50.14 HK cents. The company delivered two Apollo IE high-end supercars to prestigious clients in Japan and the USA during the period and successfully completed two rounds of rights issues in January and May 2024, issuing a total of 541,783,162 new shares and raising approximately HK$254,000,000. Additionally, on July 26, 2024, the company entered into an agreement to sell all its interests in Divergent for a total consideration of approximately US$101,533,292.15 (around HK$793,000,000). The company made no purchases, sales, or redemptions of any securities after the reporting period and has complied with relevant corporate governance practices. The board of directors did not declare any interim dividends.

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