


HKEX ·  Sep 26 16:44
Summary by Futu AI
中旭未來(ZX Inc.)於2024年9月26日向非登記持有人發出通知,公告其2024年中期報告已可在公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司網站上獲得。公司鼓勵持有人透過網站閱讀報告,並提供了選項讓持有人若遇到困難無法以電子方式接收,可申請免費獲得印刷版報告。中旭未來亦指出,非登記持有人若希望以電子形式收取公司通訊,應通過其股份代理機構提供電郵地址。公司將不會處理申請表格上的額外指示,並且若非登記持有人未能提供有效的電郵地址,公司將只能以印刷形式發送通知。此外,公司提醒非登記持有人,若希望繼續收到印刷版公司通訊,需於2025年12月31日前提出書面請求。
中旭未來(ZX Inc.)於2024年9月26日向非登記持有人發出通知,公告其2024年中期報告已可在公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司網站上獲得。公司鼓勵持有人透過網站閱讀報告,並提供了選項讓持有人若遇到困難無法以電子方式接收,可申請免費獲得印刷版報告。中旭未來亦指出,非登記持有人若希望以電子形式收取公司通訊,應通過其股份代理機構提供電郵地址。公司將不會處理申請表格上的額外指示,並且若非登記持有人未能提供有效的電郵地址,公司將只能以印刷形式發送通知。此外,公司提醒非登記持有人,若希望繼續收到印刷版公司通訊,需於2025年12月31日前提出書面請求。
ZX Inc. issued a notice to non-registered holders on September 26, 2024, announcing that their 2024 interim report is available on the company's website and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's website. The company encourages holders to read the report online and provides options for those facing difficulties in electronic receipt to apply for a free printed version. ZX Inc. also states that non-registered holders wishing to receive company communications electronically should provide their email address through their share registry institution. The company will not process additional instructions on the application forms, and if non-registered holders fail to provide a valid email address, the company will only send notifications in printed form. In addition, the company reminds non-registered holders that to continue receiving printed company communications, they must submit a written request by December 31, 2025.
ZX Inc. issued a notice to non-registered holders on September 26, 2024, announcing that their 2024 interim report is available on the company's website and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's website. The company encourages holders to read the report online and provides options for those facing difficulties in electronic receipt to apply for a free printed version. ZX Inc. also states that non-registered holders wishing to receive company communications electronically should provide their email address through their share registry institution. The company will not process additional instructions on the application forms, and if non-registered holders fail to provide a valid email address, the company will only send notifications in printed form. In addition, the company reminds non-registered holders that to continue receiving printed company communications, they must submit a written request by December 31, 2025.

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