


HKEX ·  Sep 20, 2024 19:45

Summary by Futu AI

中國油氣控股有限公司於2024年9月20日宣布,由於香港法院駁回了公司對債權人計劃批准的上訴,導致重組交易及清洗豁免無法繼續進行。該公司原先計劃的一系列重組措施,包括增加法定股本、認購事項、授予認購期權及認沽期權、修訂Crescent Spring債券、收購Crescent Spring債券、配售事項、債權人計劃以及特別交易等,將會隨即終止。公司表示,將不會向股東寄發通函,也不會召開股東特別大會。若公司擬進行任何進一步的重組事宜,將會依照上市規則及收購守則另行公告。董事會成員包括執行董事戴小兵博士及温子勳先生,非執行董事景哈利先生、黃紹武先生、曾慶贇博士及王鍇玲女士,以及獨立非執行董事王延斌博士、黨偉華博士及温文華先生。
中國油氣控股有限公司於2024年9月20日宣布,由於香港法院駁回了公司對債權人計劃批准的上訴,導致重組交易及清洗豁免無法繼續進行。該公司原先計劃的一系列重組措施,包括增加法定股本、認購事項、授予認購期權及認沽期權、修訂Crescent Spring債券、收購Crescent Spring債券、配售事項、債權人計劃以及特別交易等,將會隨即終止。公司表示,將不會向股東寄發通函,也不會召開股東特別大會。若公司擬進行任何進一步的重組事宜,將會依照上市規則及收購守則另行公告。董事會成員包括執行董事戴小兵博士及温子勳先生,非執行董事景哈利先生、黃紹武先生、曾慶贇博士及王鍇玲女士,以及獨立非執行董事王延斌博士、黨偉華博士及温文華先生。
Sino Oil & Gas Holdings Limited announced on September 20, 2024, that due to the Hong Kong court's rejection of the company's appeal against the approval of the creditors' scheme, the restructuring trade and cleansing exemption could not continue. The company's originally planned series of restructuring measures, including increasing statutory share capital, subscription matters, granting options and puts, revising the Crescent Spring bonds, acquiring Crescent Spring bonds, placement matters, creditors' scheme, and special trade, will be terminated immediately. The company stated that it will not send a circular to shareholders or convene a special general meeting of shareholders. If the company plans to carry out any further restructuring matters, it will be announced separately in accordance with listing rules and takeover codes. Board members include Executive Directors Dr. Dai Xiaobing and Mr. Wen Zixun, Non-executive Directors Mr. Jing Hali, Mr. Wong Siu-mou, Dr. Tsang Hingsum, and Ms. Wong Hoi-ling, as well as Independent Non-executive Directors Dr. Wang Yanbin, Dr. Tang Wai Wah, and Mr. Wen Wenhua.
Sino Oil & Gas Holdings Limited announced on September 20, 2024, that due to the Hong Kong court's rejection of the company's appeal against the approval of the creditors' scheme, the restructuring trade and cleansing exemption could not continue. The company's originally planned series of restructuring measures, including increasing statutory share capital, subscription matters, granting options and puts, revising the Crescent Spring bonds, acquiring Crescent Spring bonds, placement matters, creditors' scheme, and special trade, will be terminated immediately. The company stated that it will not send a circular to shareholders or convene a special general meeting of shareholders. If the company plans to carry out any further restructuring matters, it will be announced separately in accordance with listing rules and takeover codes. Board members include Executive Directors Dr. Dai Xiaobing and Mr. Wen Zixun, Non-executive Directors Mr. Jing Hali, Mr. Wong Siu-mou, Dr. Tsang Hingsum, and Ms. Wong Hoi-ling, as well as Independent Non-executive Directors Dr. Wang Yanbin, Dr. Tang Wai Wah, and Mr. Wen Wenhua.

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