


HKEX ·  Sep 20 12:01

Summary by Futu AI

Huayi Tencent Entertainment (the "company") announced that its board of directors has decided to establish an Audit Committee to strengthen corporate governance and financial transparency. The committee will be composed of at least three non-executive directors, including at least one independent non-executive director with appropriate accounting or financial management expertise. The primary responsibilities of the Audit Committee include overseeing the integrity of the company's financial reporting, reviewing the company's risk management and internal control systems, and managing the relationship with external auditors. The committee will hold at least two meetings per year and report to the board of directors after each meeting. In addition, the Chairman of the Audit Committee will attend the company's annual general meeting to answer shareholders' questions. The company emphasizes that this is aimed at enhancing internal control and supervision of financial reporting and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Huayi Tencent Entertainment (the "company") announced that its board of directors has decided to establish an Audit Committee to strengthen corporate governance and financial transparency. The committee will be composed of at least three non-executive directors, including at least one independent non-executive director with appropriate accounting or financial management expertise. The primary responsibilities of the Audit Committee include overseeing the integrity of the company's financial reporting, reviewing the company's risk management and internal control systems, and managing the relationship with external auditors. The committee will hold at least two meetings per year and report to the board of directors after each meeting. In addition, the Chairman of the Audit Committee will attend the company's annual general meeting to answer shareholders' questions. The company emphasizes that this is aimed at enhancing internal control and supervision of financial reporting and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

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