


HKEX ·  Sep 19, 2024 19:59

Summary by Futu AI

啟明醫療-B(VENUS MEDTECH-B)將於2024年10月10日召開2024年第一次臨時股東大會,地點為中國杭州。會議將審議包括選舉新監事、修訂公司章程及股東大會議事規則等七項決議案。股份過戶登記將於2024年10月7日至10日暫停。有權出席大會的H股股東及非上市外資股股東需於2024年10月4日下午4時30分前完成股份過戶登記。股東可委任代理人出席並投票,並需於大會前24小時提交相關文件。大會預計需時半日,並將所有議案以投票方式進行表決。
啟明醫療-B(VENUS MEDTECH-B)將於2024年10月10日召開2024年第一次臨時股東大會,地點為中國杭州。會議將審議包括選舉新監事、修訂公司章程及股東大會議事規則等七項決議案。股份過戶登記將於2024年10月7日至10日暫停。有權出席大會的H股股東及非上市外資股股東需於2024年10月4日下午4時30分前完成股份過戶登記。股東可委任代理人出席並投票,並需於大會前24小時提交相關文件。大會預計需時半日,並將所有議案以投票方式進行表決。
Venus Medtech-B will hold its first interim shareholders' meeting of 2024 on October 10, 2024, in Hangzhou, China. The meeting will consider seven resolutions, including the election of new directors, revision of the company's articles of association, and rules of procedure for shareholder meetings. The transfer registration of shares will be suspended from October 7 to 10, 2024. H-share shareholders and non-listed foreign shareholders with the right to attend the meeting must complete the share transfer registration by 4:30 PM on October 4, 2024. Shareholders may appoint proxies to attend and vote, and relevant documents must be submitted 24 hours before the meeting. The meeting is expected to last half a day, and all resolutions will be voted upon.
Venus Medtech-B will hold its first interim shareholders' meeting of 2024 on October 10, 2024, in Hangzhou, China. The meeting will consider seven resolutions, including the election of new directors, revision of the company's articles of association, and rules of procedure for shareholder meetings. The transfer registration of shares will be suspended from October 7 to 10, 2024. H-share shareholders and non-listed foreign shareholders with the right to attend the meeting must complete the share transfer registration by 4:30 PM on October 4, 2024. Shareholders may appoint proxies to attend and vote, and relevant documents must be submitted 24 hours before the meeting. The meeting is expected to last half a day, and all resolutions will be voted upon.

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