


HKEX ·  Sep 13 17:20
Summary by Futu AI
China Jinmao entered into a new tender procurement service framework agreement with Sinochem Commerce on September 13, 2024, which is valid until December 31, 2026. The agreement allows China Jinmao to use various tender procurement services provided by Sinochem Commerce when needed, including business consulting, engineering consulting, and bidding agency services. This transaction is a related party transaction because Sinochem Commerce is an indirect non-wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinochem, and Sinochem is the ultimate controlling shareholder of China Jinmao. According to the listing rules, the transaction must comply with the provisions of declaration, announcement, and annual review. In the past, China Jinmao has signed similar agreements with Sinochem Commerce for tender procurement services, and the service fees have not exceeded the annual limit. The pricing basis of the new agreement will follow the principle of fairness and reasonableness, and will be consistent with other third-party transactions of Sinochem Commerce.
China Jinmao entered into a new tender procurement service framework agreement with Sinochem Commerce on September 13, 2024, which is valid until December 31, 2026. The agreement allows China Jinmao to use various tender procurement services provided by Sinochem Commerce when needed, including business consulting, engineering consulting, and bidding agency services. This transaction is a related party transaction because Sinochem Commerce is an indirect non-wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinochem, and Sinochem is the ultimate controlling shareholder of China Jinmao. According to the listing rules, the transaction must comply with the provisions of declaration, announcement, and annual review. In the past, China Jinmao has signed similar agreements with Sinochem Commerce for tender procurement services, and the service fees have not exceeded the annual limit. The pricing basis of the new agreement will follow the principle of fairness and reasonableness, and will be consistent with other third-party transactions of Sinochem Commerce.

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