

CRAZY SPORTS: Notification Letter and Request Form to Non-registered Shareholders

HKEX ·  Sep 13 17:08
Summary by Futu AI
瘋狂體育集團有限公司(「公司」)於2024年9月16日通知其非登記股東,公司的2024年中期報告已在公司網站及香港交易所網站上發布。公司提醒非登記股東,若需獲得印刷版的中期報告,可填妥隨函附上的申請表格,並透過郵寄標籤寄回香港的股份過戶登記處Tricor Tengis Limited。此外,公司亦提醒股東,若選擇以電子形式接收公司通訊,應與持有公司股份的銀行、經紀、託管人、提名人或香港中央結算有限公司提名有限公司(「中介機構」)聯繫,並提供電郵地址給中介機構。公司將根據股東的選擇,以印刷或電子形式發送未來所有的公司通訊。
瘋狂體育集團有限公司(「公司」)於2024年9月16日通知其非登記股東,公司的2024年中期報告已在公司網站及香港交易所網站上發布。公司提醒非登記股東,若需獲得印刷版的中期報告,可填妥隨函附上的申請表格,並透過郵寄標籤寄回香港的股份過戶登記處Tricor Tengis Limited。此外,公司亦提醒股東,若選擇以電子形式接收公司通訊,應與持有公司股份的銀行、經紀、託管人、提名人或香港中央結算有限公司提名有限公司(「中介機構」)聯繫,並提供電郵地址給中介機構。公司將根據股東的選擇,以印刷或電子形式發送未來所有的公司通訊。
Crazy Sports Group Limited ("the Company") notified its non-registered shareholders on September 16, 2024, that the Company's mid-year report for 2024 has been published on the Company's website and the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) website. The Company advises non-registered shareholders that if they require a printed version of the mid-year report, they can fill out the application form attached with this letter and return it to Tricor Tengis Limited, the Company's share registrar in Hong Kong, using the mailing label provided. Additionally, the Company reminds shareholders that if they choose to receive company communications in electronic format, they should contact their banks, brokers, custodians, nominees, or Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Nominees Limited ("intermediaries") who hold their Company shares and provide them with their email addresses. The Company will send all future company communications in either printed or electronic format, depending on shareholders' preferences.
Crazy Sports Group Limited ("the Company") notified its non-registered shareholders on September 16, 2024, that the Company's mid-year report for 2024 has been published on the Company's website and the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) website. The Company advises non-registered shareholders that if they require a printed version of the mid-year report, they can fill out the application form attached with this letter and return it to Tricor Tengis Limited, the Company's share registrar in Hong Kong, using the mailing label provided. Additionally, the Company reminds shareholders that if they choose to receive company communications in electronic format, they should contact their banks, brokers, custodians, nominees, or Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Nominees Limited ("intermediaries") who hold their Company shares and provide them with their email addresses. The Company will send all future company communications in either printed or electronic format, depending on shareholders' preferences.

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