


HKEX ·  Sep 11 22:48

Summary by Futu AI

Yida China Holdings Limited ("Yida China") announced that Mr. Weng Xiaoquan, a non-executive director, has resigned as of September 11, 2024, due to the need to devote more time to personal matters. Mr. Weng confirmed that he had no disagreement with the board of directors and that there were no other matters requiring the attention of shareholders or the Stock Exchange. The board of directors of Yida China expresses gratitude for Mr. Weng's contributions during his tenure.
Yida China Holdings Limited ("Yida China") announced that Mr. Weng Xiaoquan, a non-executive director, has resigned as of September 11, 2024, due to the need to devote more time to personal matters. Mr. Weng confirmed that he had no disagreement with the board of directors and that there were no other matters requiring the attention of shareholders or the Stock Exchange. The board of directors of Yida China expresses gratitude for Mr. Weng's contributions during his tenure.

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