


HKEX ·  Sep 9 19:00

Summary by Futu AI

Longfor Group announced on September 9, 2024, that as of the end of August 2024, the group had achieved a cumulative contract sales amount of 65.14 billion RMB and a sales area of 4.745 million square meters. The monthly data shows that the contract sales amount in August was 6.51 billion yuan, with an area of 0.495 million square meters. Among them, the contract sales amount attributable to the company's shareholders was 4.63 billion yuan, with an area of 0.365 million square meters. In terms of regional distribution, the sales amounts in the western, Bohai Rim, Yangtze River Delta, Central China, and South China regions are 1.4 billion, 1.53 billion, 1.6 billion, 0.81 billion, and 1.17 billion RMB, respectively. In addition, the company achieved operating revenue of approximately 17.6 billion yuan, with operating revenue of approximately 8.97 billion yuan and service revenue of approximately 8.63 billion yuan. This data is unaudited and is for reference only for investors. Chen Xuping, Chairman of the Board of Directors, reminded investors in the announcement to act prudently and avoid excessive reliance on such unaudited preliminary data.
Longfor Group announced on September 9, 2024, that as of the end of August 2024, the group had achieved a cumulative contract sales amount of 65.14 billion RMB and a sales area of 4.745 million square meters. The monthly data shows that the contract sales amount in August was 6.51 billion yuan, with an area of 0.495 million square meters. Among them, the contract sales amount attributable to the company's shareholders was 4.63 billion yuan, with an area of 0.365 million square meters. In terms of regional distribution, the sales amounts in the western, Bohai Rim, Yangtze River Delta, Central China, and South China regions are 1.4 billion, 1.53 billion, 1.6 billion, 0.81 billion, and 1.17 billion RMB, respectively. In addition, the company achieved operating revenue of approximately 17.6 billion yuan, with operating revenue of approximately 8.97 billion yuan and service revenue of approximately 8.63 billion yuan. This data is unaudited and is for reference only for investors. Chen Xuping, Chairman of the Board of Directors, reminded investors in the announcement to act prudently and avoid excessive reliance on such unaudited preliminary data.

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