

SKYWORTH GROUP: Overseas Regulatory Notice

HKEX ·  Sep 6 18:25
Summary by Futu AI
香港上市公司创维集团(00751.HK)宣布,已按每股5港币价格回购并注销100,000,000股股份,占已发行股份的3.87%。此举导致黄宏生家族及其一致行动人Target Success的持股比例被动上升至50.35%,实际控制创维集团。创维RGB向创维数字的所有无限售条件流通A股股东发出全面要约收购,要约价格为14.82元/股,最大股份数量为504,503,558股,约占创维数字总股本的43.86%。要约收购期限自2023年6月2日起至7月3日止。中信证券作为财务顾问,确认创维RGB依法履行了要约收购的报告和公告义务,且收购人和上市公司均依法规范运作。创维集团未发现违反公开承诺、提供担保或借款等损害上市公司利益的情形。
香港上市公司创维集团(00751.HK)宣布,已按每股5港币价格回购并注销100,000,000股股份,占已发行股份的3.87%。此举导致黄宏生家族及其一致行动人Target Success的持股比例被动上升至50.35%,实际控制创维集团。创维RGB向创维数字的所有无限售条件流通A股股东发出全面要约收购,要约价格为14.82元/股,最大股份数量为504,503,558股,约占创维数字总股本的43.86%。要约收购期限自2023年6月2日起至7月3日止。中信证券作为财务顾问,确认创维RGB依法履行了要约收购的报告和公告义务,且收购人和上市公司均依法规范运作。创维集团未发现违反公开承诺、提供担保或借款等损害上市公司利益的情形。
Skyworth Group, a listed company in Hong Kong (00751.HK), announced the repurchase and cancellation of 100,000,000 shares at a price of HK$5 per share, representing 3.87% of the issued shares. This action led to an increase in the shareholding ratio of Wong Hong Sang's family and its acting partner, Target Success, to 50.35%, effectively controlling Skyworth Group. Skyworth RGB has issued a comprehensive tender offer to all unrestricted A-share shareholders of Skyworth Digital, with a tender offer price of 14.82 yuan per share and a maximum number of shares of 504,503,558 shares, accounting for approximately 43.86% of the total share capital of Skyworth Digital. The tender offer period is from June 2, 2023, to July 3. Citic Securities, as the financial advisor, confirmed that Skyworth RGB has fulfilled its obligations of tender offer reporting and announcement in accordance with the law, and both the acquirer and the listed company have operated in compliance with the law. Skyworth Group has not found any violations of public commitments, guarantees, or loans that harm the interests of the listed company.
Skyworth Group, a listed company in Hong Kong (00751.HK), announced the repurchase and cancellation of 100,000,000 shares at a price of HK$5 per share, representing 3.87% of the issued shares. This action led to an increase in the shareholding ratio of Wong Hong Sang's family and its acting partner, Target Success, to 50.35%, effectively controlling Skyworth Group. Skyworth RGB has issued a comprehensive tender offer to all unrestricted A-share shareholders of Skyworth Digital, with a tender offer price of 14.82 yuan per share and a maximum number of shares of 504,503,558 shares, accounting for approximately 43.86% of the total share capital of Skyworth Digital. The tender offer period is from June 2, 2023, to July 3. Citic Securities, as the financial advisor, confirmed that Skyworth RGB has fulfilled its obligations of tender offer reporting and announcement in accordance with the law, and both the acquirer and the listed company have operated in compliance with the law. Skyworth Group has not found any violations of public commitments, guarantees, or loans that harm the interests of the listed company.

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