

Next Day Disclosure Return

HKEX ·  Sep 4 18:30
Summary by Futu AI
On September 4, 2024, Alibaba Group Holding Limited submitted a disclosure report to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, disclosing its share changes. The report shows that between August 23 and September 3, 2024, the company conducted a share repurchase activity on the New York Stock Exchange, repurchasing a total of 41,021,816 shares, accounting for 0.21% of the issued shares (excluding treasury shares). The repurchased shares will be cancelled. The repurchase activity was carried out in accordance with the rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and from the date of repurchase until October 4, 2024, the company will enter a temporary suspension period for new share issuance or resale or transfer of treasury shares. Zhang Jinwei, the company secretary, is the submitter of this report.
On September 4, 2024, Alibaba Group Holding Limited submitted a disclosure report to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, disclosing its share changes. The report shows that between August 23 and September 3, 2024, the company conducted a share repurchase activity on the New York Stock Exchange, repurchasing a total of 41,021,816 shares, accounting for 0.21% of the issued shares (excluding treasury shares). The repurchased shares will be cancelled. The repurchase activity was carried out in accordance with the rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and from the date of repurchase until October 4, 2024, the company will enter a temporary suspension period for new share issuance or resale or transfer of treasury shares. Zhang Jinwei, the company secretary, is the submitter of this report.

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