

SCHOLAR EDU: Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 August 2024

HKEX ·  Sep 3, 2024 16:31

Summary by Futu AI

思考樂教育集團(SCHOLAR EDU)於2024年8月31日提交的最新證券變動月報表顯示,公司的法定/註冊股本及已發行股份數量在本月內未有變動,維持在1,000,000,000股及564,869,050股。報告同時指出,公司於2019年6月3日及2024年2月27日採納的股份期權計劃,本月內均無變動,結存的股份期權數目分別為18,615,950股及16,671,000股。此外,公司於2023年5月19日購回並擬註銷的1,088,000股股份,至本月底尚未註銷。整體來看,思考樂教育本月的股份結構保持穩定,無新增或減少的已發行股份或庫存股份。報告由公司秘書蘇偉恒於2024年9月3日呈交給香港交易及結算所有限公司。
思考樂教育集團(SCHOLAR EDU)於2024年8月31日提交的最新證券變動月報表顯示,公司的法定/註冊股本及已發行股份數量在本月內未有變動,維持在1,000,000,000股及564,869,050股。報告同時指出,公司於2019年6月3日及2024年2月27日採納的股份期權計劃,本月內均無變動,結存的股份期權數目分別為18,615,950股及16,671,000股。此外,公司於2023年5月19日購回並擬註銷的1,088,000股股份,至本月底尚未註銷。整體來看,思考樂教育本月的股份結構保持穩定,無新增或減少的已發行股份或庫存股份。報告由公司秘書蘇偉恒於2024年9月3日呈交給香港交易及結算所有限公司。
The latest monthly securities change report submitted by Scholar Edu Group (SCHOLAR EDU) on August 31, 2024 shows that the company's statutory/registered share capital and the number of issued shares have not changed this month, remaining at 1,000,000,000 shares and 564,869,050 shares. The report also states that there have been no changes in the share options plans adopted by the company on June 3, 2019 and February 27, 2024, with remaining share options of 18,615,950 shares and 16,671,000 shares respectively. In addition, the 1,088,000 shares repurchased and intended to be cancelled by the company on May 19, 2023 have not been cancelled by the end of this month. Overall, the share structure of Scholar Edu remains stable this month, with no newly issued or reduced issued shares or treasury shares. The report was submitted to the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited by the company secretary, Su Wei Heng, on September 3, 2024.
The latest monthly securities change report submitted by Scholar Edu Group (SCHOLAR EDU) on August 31, 2024 shows that the company's statutory/registered share capital and the number of issued shares have not changed this month, remaining at 1,000,000,000 shares and 564,869,050 shares. The report also states that there have been no changes in the share options plans adopted by the company on June 3, 2019 and February 27, 2024, with remaining share options of 18,615,950 shares and 16,671,000 shares respectively. In addition, the 1,088,000 shares repurchased and intended to be cancelled by the company on May 19, 2023 have not been cancelled by the end of this month. Overall, the share structure of Scholar Edu remains stable this month, with no newly issued or reduced issued shares or treasury shares. The report was submitted to the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited by the company secretary, Su Wei Heng, on September 3, 2024.

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