

HKEX ·  Sep 2 21:01
Summary by Futu AI
深圳市優必選科技股份有限公司(UBTECH ROBOTICS)將於2024年9月18日下午三時,在中國深圳市南山區學苑大道1001號南山智園C1棟25樓JIMU會議室召開臨時股東大會。會議的主要議程為審議及批准將35,201,371股內資股轉換為H股並在香港聯合交易所有限公司(聯交所)主板上市流通的提案。此舉旨在遵循中國證監會的指引,並經董事會審議批准。股東將需在會議前24小時提交代表委任表格以委任代表出席。公司強調,此次H股全流通的實施計劃尚待若干參與股東內部審批,且尚未向中國證監會提交備案申請。董事會推薦股東投票贊成此決議案,認為此舉符合公司及股東的整體最佳利益。
深圳市優必選科技股份有限公司(UBTECH ROBOTICS)將於2024年9月18日下午三時,在中國深圳市南山區學苑大道1001號南山智園C1棟25樓JIMU會議室召開臨時股東大會。會議的主要議程為審議及批准將35,201,371股內資股轉換為H股並在香港聯合交易所有限公司(聯交所)主板上市流通的提案。此舉旨在遵循中國證監會的指引,並經董事會審議批准。股東將需在會議前24小時提交代表委任表格以委任代表出席。公司強調,此次H股全流通的實施計劃尚待若干參與股東內部審批,且尚未向中國證監會提交備案申請。董事會推薦股東投票贊成此決議案,認為此舉符合公司及股東的整體最佳利益。
UBTECH ROBOTICS Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, China will hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders at 3:00 pm on September 18, 2024, at the JIMU Conference Room, 25th Floor, Building C1, Nanshan Smart Park, 1001 Xueyuan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China. The main agenda of the meeting is to review and approve the proposal to convert 35,201,371 domestic shares into H shares and list them for trading on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEX). This move is in line with the guidance of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and has been approved by the board of directors. Shareholders are required to submit a proxy appointment form to appoint a representative to attend the meeting at least 24 hours before the meeting. The...Show More
UBTECH ROBOTICS Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, China will hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders at 3:00 pm on September 18, 2024, at the JIMU Conference Room, 25th Floor, Building C1, Nanshan Smart Park, 1001 Xueyuan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China. The main agenda of the meeting is to review and approve the proposal to convert 35,201,371 domestic shares into H shares and list them for trading on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEX). This move is in line with the guidance of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and has been approved by the board of directors. Shareholders are required to submit a proxy appointment form to appoint a representative to attend the meeting at least 24 hours before the meeting. The company emphasizes that the implementation plan of full circulation of H shares is subject to internal approval by several participating shareholders and has not yet been submitted for registration with the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The Board of Directors recommends that shareholders vote in favor of this resolution, believing that it is in the overall best interests of the company and the shareholders.

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