


HKEX ·  Sep 2 18:11
Summary by Futu AI
欧舒丹國際有限公司宣布將於2024年9月25日在盧森堡舉行股東週年大會,討論包括財務報表採納、董事重選及核數師任命等議題。會議將審議普通決議案,如確認截至2024年3月31日止財政年度的法定賬目及經審核合併財務報表,以及特別決議案,包括董事及核數師的薪酬批准。股東將可委任代表出席並投票,而股份過戶登記將於2024年9月20日暫停,以釐定出席及投票權利。公司執行董事包括Reinold Geiger(主席)、André Hoffmann、Laurent Marteau(行政總裁)、Karl Guénard(公司秘書)及Séan Harrington(ELEMIS行政總裁),非執行董事為Thomas Levilion,獨立非執行董事包括Christèle Hiss Holliger、Charles Mark Broadley、劉文思及吳植森。
欧舒丹國際有限公司宣布將於2024年9月25日在盧森堡舉行股東週年大會,討論包括財務報表採納、董事重選及核數師任命等議題。會議將審議普通決議案,如確認截至2024年3月31日止財政年度的法定賬目及經審核合併財務報表,以及特別決議案,包括董事及核數師的薪酬批准。股東將可委任代表出席並投票,而股份過戶登記將於2024年9月20日暫停,以釐定出席及投票權利。公司執行董事包括Reinold Geiger(主席)、André Hoffmann、Laurent Marteau(行政總裁)、Karl Guénard(公司秘書)及Séan Harrington(ELEMIS行政總裁),非執行董事為Thomas Levilion,獨立非執行董事包括Christèle Hiss Holliger、Charles Mark Broadley、劉文思及吳植森。
L'Occitane International Limited announced that its annual shareholder meeting will be held in Luxembourg on September 25, 2024, to discuss issues including the adoption of financial statements, the re-election of directors, and the appointment of auditors. The meeting will review ordinary resolutions, such as the approval of the statutory accounts and audited consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, as well as special resolutions, including the approval of remuneration for directors and auditors. Shareholders may appoint representatives to attend and vote, and share transfer registration will be suspended on September 20, 2024, in order to determine attendance and voting rights. The executive directors of the company include Reinold Geiger (Chairman), André Hoffmann, Laurent Marteau (CEO), Karl Guénard (Company Secretary), and Séan Harrington (ELEMIS CEO). The non-executive director is Thomas Levilion, and the independent non-executive directors include Christèle Hiss Holliger, Charles Mark Broadley, Wen Si Liu, and Zhi Sen Wu.
L'Occitane International Limited announced that its annual shareholder meeting will be held in Luxembourg on September 25, 2024, to discuss issues including the adoption of financial statements, the re-election of directors, and the appointment of auditors. The meeting will review ordinary resolutions, such as the approval of the statutory accounts and audited consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, as well as special resolutions, including the approval of remuneration for directors and auditors. Shareholders may appoint representatives to attend and vote, and share transfer registration will be suspended on September 20, 2024, in order to determine attendance and voting rights. The executive directors of the company include Reinold Geiger (Chairman), André Hoffmann, Laurent Marteau (CEO), Karl Guénard (Company Secretary), and Séan Harrington (ELEMIS CEO). The non-executive director is Thomas Levilion, and the independent non-executive directors include Christèle Hiss Holliger, Charles Mark Broadley, Wen Si Liu, and Zhi Sen Wu.

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