
中國鋁業:海外監管公告 - 關於召開2024年半年度業績暨現金分紅說明會的公告


HKEX ·  Sep 2 17:59
Summary by Futu AI
Aluminum Corporation of China will hold the 2024 interim performance and cash dividend briefing on September 10, 2024 from 13:00 to 14:30. The briefing will be conducted through video live streaming and online interaction at the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Stock Roadshow Center, aiming to provide investors with a comprehensive understanding of the company's performance, production operation, and mid-term profit distribution plan for the first half of the year. Investors can submit questions through the Stock Roadshow Center's website or via email and fax to the company before 16:00 from September 3 to 9. The meeting will be attended by Chairman Mr. Shi Zhirong, CFO and Board Secretary Mr. Ge Xiaolei, and Independent Non-executive Director Ms. Chen Yuanxiu. After the meeting, investors can view the content through the Stock Roadshow Center. Aluminum Corporation of China expresses gratitude to investors for their long-term support and issued this announcement on September 2, 2024.
Aluminum Corporation of China will hold the 2024 interim performance and cash dividend briefing on September 10, 2024 from 13:00 to 14:30. The briefing will be conducted through video live streaming and online interaction at the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Stock Roadshow Center, aiming to provide investors with a comprehensive understanding of the company's performance, production operation, and mid-term profit distribution plan for the first half of the year. Investors can submit questions through the Stock Roadshow Center's website or via email and fax to the company before 16:00 from September 3 to 9. The meeting will be attended by Chairman Mr. Shi Zhirong, CFO and Board Secretary Mr. Ge Xiaolei, and Independent Non-executive Director Ms. Chen Yuanxiu. After the meeting, investors can view the content through the Stock Roadshow Center. Aluminum Corporation of China expresses gratitude to investors for their long-term support and issued this announcement on September 2, 2024.

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