


HKEX ·  Aug 29 18:08

Summary by Futu AI

Viva Biotech Holdings Group ('Viva Biotech') announced its interim results for the six months ended June 30, 2024. During the period, the Group's revenue decreased from RMB 1,142.2 million in the same period last year to RMB 981.8 million, and gross margin decreased from RMB 406.0 million to RMB 339.1 million, with gross margin percentage decreasing from 35.5% to 34.5%. However, net profit increased significantly from RMB 13.7 million in the same period last year to RMB 144.2 million, mainly due to the elimination of relevant financial adjustment items brought about by the full redemption of convertible bonds. Adjusted net profit under non-international financial reporting standards increased from RMB 146.1 million in the same period last year to RMB 168.2 million. During the period, Viva Biotech's cumulative number of...Show More
Viva Biotech Holdings Group ('Viva Biotech') announced its interim results for the six months ended June 30, 2024. During the period, the Group's revenue decreased from RMB 1,142.2 million in the same period last year to RMB 981.8 million, and gross margin decreased from RMB 406.0 million to RMB 339.1 million, with gross margin percentage decreasing from 35.5% to 34.5%. However, net profit increased significantly from RMB 13.7 million in the same period last year to RMB 144.2 million, mainly due to the elimination of relevant financial adjustment items brought about by the full redemption of convertible bonds. Adjusted net profit under non-international financial reporting standards increased from RMB 146.1 million in the same period last year to RMB 168.2 million. During the period, Viva Biotech's cumulative number of serviced clients increased to 2,350. CRO business revenue decreased by 12.5%, and CDMO business revenue decreased by approximately 15.0%, but the company maintained a good level of profitability for CRO through measures such as cost reduction and efficiency improvement. In addition, the company has made progress in the technology platform, introducing artificial intelligence technology and developing the AI-enabled SBDD one-stop original innovative drug research and development service platform. As of the end of the reporting period, the total number of employees in the company was 2,043.

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