


HKEX ·  Aug 23, 2024 16:38

Summary by Futu AI

安領國際於2024年8月23日舉行的股東週年大會上,所有提出的決議案均獲得100%的股東支持通過。會議在香港九龍觀塘巧明街The Millennity 1座25樓成功舉行,其中包括了審核並採納截至2024年3月31日止年度的經審核綜合財務報表、董事會報告及獨立核數師報告。此外,會上亦通過了重選李崇基先生、林德齡先生為執行董事,羅偉浩先生為非執行董事,以及授權董事會釐定各董事薪酬的決議。股東同意續聘德勤會計師行為核數師並授權董事會釐定薪酬。會議還通過了授予董事發行及購回股份的一般授權。所有決議案的投票結果均為615,820,000贊成票對0反對票。股東週年大會當日,共有1,004,217,000股股份賦予股東投票權,並無股東表明反對任何決議案或放棄投票。監票工作由聯合證券登記有限公司負責。會議由主席、行政總裁兼執行董事廖銳霆先生主持,多位董事親身或以電子方式參與,唯吳子豐先生未能出席。
安領國際於2024年8月23日舉行的股東週年大會上,所有提出的決議案均獲得100%的股東支持通過。會議在香港九龍觀塘巧明街The Millennity 1座25樓成功舉行,其中包括了審核並採納截至2024年3月31日止年度的經審核綜合財務報表、董事會報告及獨立核數師報告。此外,會上亦通過了重選李崇基先生、林德齡先生為執行董事,羅偉浩先生為非執行董事,以及授權董事會釐定各董事薪酬的決議。股東同意續聘德勤會計師行為核數師並授權董事會釐定薪酬。會議還通過了授予董事發行及購回股份的一般授權。所有決議案的投票結果均為615,820,000贊成票對0反對票。股東週年大會當日,共有1,004,217,000股股份賦予股東投票權,並無股東表明反對任何決議案或放棄投票。監票工作由聯合證券登記有限公司負責。會議由主席、行政總裁兼執行董事廖銳霆先生主持,多位董事親身或以電子方式參與,唯吳子豐先生未能出席。
On August 23, 2024, at the annual general meeting of shareholders of Edvance Intl, all proposed resolutions were approved with 100% shareholder support. The meeting was successfully held on the 25th floor of The Millennity 1, 25 Kwai Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. This included the review and adoption of the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024, the board of directors' report, and the independent auditor's report. In addition, the reappointment of Mr. Li Chung Ki and Mr. Lam Tak Ling as executive directors, Mr. Law Wai Ho as non-executive director, and the authorization of the board of directors to determine the remuneration of directors were also approved. Shareholders agreed to reappoint Deloitte as the auditor and authorize the...Show More
On August 23, 2024, at the annual general meeting of shareholders of Edvance Intl, all proposed resolutions were approved with 100% shareholder support. The meeting was successfully held on the 25th floor of The Millennity 1, 25 Kwai Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. This included the review and adoption of the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024, the board of directors' report, and the independent auditor's report. In addition, the reappointment of Mr. Li Chung Ki and Mr. Lam Tak Ling as executive directors, Mr. Law Wai Ho as non-executive director, and the authorization of the board of directors to determine the remuneration of directors were also approved. Shareholders agreed to reappoint Deloitte as the auditor and authorize the board of directors to determine the remuneration. The meeting also approved the general authority for directors to issue and repurchase shares. The voting results for all resolutions were 615,820,000 in favor and 0 against. On the day of the annual general meeting, there were a total of 1,004,217,000 shares issued with voting rights for shareholders, and no shareholders expressed opposition to any resolutions or abstained from voting. Voting supervision was conducted by Union Securities Registration Limited. The meeting was chaired and presided over by the Chairman, CEO, and executive director, Mr. Liu Jutian. Several directors participated in person or electronically, except for Mr. Wu Zifeng who was unable to attend.

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