


HKEX ·  Aug 23 06:10
Summary by Futu AI
阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司於2024年8月22日召開的年度股東大會上,股東通過了一系列議案,包括特別決議修訂公司章程大綱及細則,以及多項普通決議。普通決議中,股東授予董事會發行及購回股份的一般授權,並通過了2024年股權激勵計劃及相關服務提供者分項限額。此外,蔡崇信先生、J. Michael EVANS先生、利蘊蓮女士和單偉建先生分別被選舉為董事。會計師事務所普華永道中天及羅兵咸永道亦獲批准為公司下一財務年度的獨立註冊會計師事務所。出席股東大會的股東合計持有約76%的發行在外普通股。董事會主席蔡崇信先生代表公司行使全權委託權,投票贊成所有議案。
阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司於2024年8月22日召開的年度股東大會上,股東通過了一系列議案,包括特別決議修訂公司章程大綱及細則,以及多項普通決議。普通決議中,股東授予董事會發行及購回股份的一般授權,並通過了2024年股權激勵計劃及相關服務提供者分項限額。此外,蔡崇信先生、J. Michael EVANS先生、利蘊蓮女士和單偉建先生分別被選舉為董事。會計師事務所普華永道中天及羅兵咸永道亦獲批准為公司下一財務年度的獨立註冊會計師事務所。出席股東大會的股東合計持有約76%的發行在外普通股。董事會主席蔡崇信先生代表公司行使全權委託權,投票贊成所有議案。
At the annual shareholder meeting of Alibaba Group Holding Limited held on August 22, 2024, shareholders approved a series of resolutions, including the special resolution to amend the company's articles of association and bylaws, as well as several ordinary resolutions. Among the ordinary resolutions, shareholders granted the board of directors the general authority to issue and repurchase shares, and approved the 2024 stock-based incentive plan and the respective limited quotas for service providers. In addition, Mr. Tsai Chung-hsin, Mr. J. Michael Evans, Ms. Lianne Leung, and Mr. Daniel Zhang were elected as directors. The independent registered public accounting firms PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu were also approved as the company's independent registered public accounting firms for the next fiscal year. Shareholders attending the meeting collectively hold approximately 76% of the issued and outstanding common shares. Mr. Tsai Chung-hsin, Chairman of the Board, voted in favor of all resolutions on behalf of the company.
At the annual shareholder meeting of Alibaba Group Holding Limited held on August 22, 2024, shareholders approved a series of resolutions, including the special resolution to amend the company's articles of association and bylaws, as well as several ordinary resolutions. Among the ordinary resolutions, shareholders granted the board of directors the general authority to issue and repurchase shares, and approved the 2024 stock-based incentive plan and the respective limited quotas for service providers. In addition, Mr. Tsai Chung-hsin, Mr. J. Michael Evans, Ms. Lianne Leung, and Mr. Daniel Zhang were elected as directors. The independent registered public accounting firms PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu were also approved as the company's independent registered public accounting firms for the next fiscal year. Shareholders attending the meeting collectively hold approximately 76% of the issued and outstanding common shares. Mr. Tsai Chung-hsin, Chairman of the Board, voted in favor of all resolutions on behalf of the company.

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