
協鑫科技:內幕消息 - 盈利預警及業務更新


HKEX ·  Aug 16, 2024 21:23

Summary by Futu AI

協鑫科技控股有限公司(GCL Technology)發布盈利預警,預計2024年上半年將出現約人民幣14.5億元的未經審核虧損,與2023年同期的約人民幣55.2億元利潤形成鮮明對比。此虧損主要由於多晶硅與硅片產品的市場平均售價大幅下降以及存貨減值所致。儘管如此,公司在顆粒硅業務方面取得進展,研發費用超過人民幣7億元,並在生產成本和產品品質上實現重大突破。公司顆粒硅產線經過系統優化,預計於2024年9月完成,有望實現業績反轉。此外,顆粒硅產品的品質提升,下遊客戶認可度增強,庫存大幅降低,金屬雜質控制水平保持行業頂尖。公司提醒股東及潛在投資者在買賣股份時需謹慎行事,並將於2024年8月底刊發中期業績公告。
協鑫科技控股有限公司(GCL Technology)發布盈利預警,預計2024年上半年將出現約人民幣14.5億元的未經審核虧損,與2023年同期的約人民幣55.2億元利潤形成鮮明對比。此虧損主要由於多晶硅與硅片產品的市場平均售價大幅下降以及存貨減值所致。儘管如此,公司在顆粒硅業務方面取得進展,研發費用超過人民幣7億元,並在生產成本和產品品質上實現重大突破。公司顆粒硅產線經過系統優化,預計於2024年9月完成,有望實現業績反轉。此外,顆粒硅產品的品質提升,下遊客戶認可度增強,庫存大幅降低,金屬雜質控制水平保持行業頂尖。公司提醒股東及潛在投資者在買賣股份時需謹慎行事,並將於2024年8月底刊發中期業績公告。
GCL Technology released a profit warning, expecting an unaudited loss of approximately CNY 1.45 billion in the first half of 2024, in sharp contrast to the approximately CNY 5.52 billion profit in the same period in 2023. The loss is mainly due to the significant decline in the average selling price of polycrystalline silicon and silicon wafer products, as well as inventory impairment. However, the company has made progress in granular silicon business, with research and development expenses exceeding CNY 0.7 billion, and achieving significant breakthroughs in production costs and product quality. The granular silicon production line of the company will be completed in September 2024 after systematic optimization, and is expected to achieve performance reversal. In addition, the quality improvement of granular silicon products has increased downstream customer recognition, significantly reduced inventory, and maintained the industry's leading level in controlling metal impurities. The company reminds shareholders and potential investors to be cautious when buying and selling shares, and will release its mid-term performance announcement at the end of August 2024.
GCL Technology released a profit warning, expecting an unaudited loss of approximately CNY 1.45 billion in the first half of 2024, in sharp contrast to the approximately CNY 5.52 billion profit in the same period in 2023. The loss is mainly due to the significant decline in the average selling price of polycrystalline silicon and silicon wafer products, as well as inventory impairment. However, the company has made progress in granular silicon business, with research and development expenses exceeding CNY 0.7 billion, and achieving significant breakthroughs in production costs and product quality. The granular silicon production line of the company will be completed in September 2024 after systematic optimization, and is expected to achieve performance reversal. In addition, the quality improvement of granular silicon products has increased downstream customer recognition, significantly reduced inventory, and maintained the industry's leading level in controlling metal impurities. The company reminds shareholders and potential investors to be cautious when buying and selling shares, and will release its mid-term performance announcement at the end of August 2024.

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