
恒大汽車:內幕消息 - 相關附屬公司進入破產重整程序

EVERG VEHICLE: INSIDE INFORMATION - Relevant Subsidiaries Entered Into Bankruptcy and Reorganization Proceedings

HKEX ·  Aug 5 08:00
Summary by Futu AI
Evergrande New Energy Vehicle Group Co., Ltd. (Everg Vehicle) announced on August 2, 2024 that its relevant subsidiaries have been ruled by local people's courts to enter the bankruptcy reorganization procedure. This news follows the company's announcement of insider news on July 28, 2024. Everg Vehicle reminds shareholders and potential investors to act prudently when trading shares. Currently, Everg Vehicle's executive directors include Mr. Sean, Mr. Liu Yongzhuo, and Mr. Qin Liyong, while independent non-executive directors include Mr. Zhou Chengyan and Mr. Xie Wu.
Evergrande New Energy Vehicle Group Co., Ltd. (Everg Vehicle) announced on August 2, 2024 that its relevant subsidiaries have been ruled by local people's courts to enter the bankruptcy reorganization procedure. This news follows the company's announcement of insider news on July 28, 2024. Everg Vehicle reminds shareholders and potential investors to act prudently when trading shares. Currently, Everg Vehicle's executive directors include Mr. Sean, Mr. Liu Yongzhuo, and Mr. Qin Liyong, while independent non-executive directors include Mr. Zhou Chengyan and Mr. Xie Wu.

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