
力量發展:關連交易 - 飛機次分租協議


HKEX ·  Aug 2 20:48
Summary by Futu AI
力量發展集團有限公司(「本公司」)宣佈,於2024年8月2日與Wealth Galaxy Limited(「出租人」)簽訂飛機次分租協議,租期為12個月。出租人由張量先生全資擁有,並透過其信託Zhang Family Overseas Limited持有本公司控股股東King Lok Holdings Limited的股份,因此張量先生為本公司的關連人士。該次分租協議構成關連交易,但適用百分比率低於5%,故按上市規則第14A章處理。本公司主要從事煤炭產品的開採及銷售,並尋求業務多元化及海外投資。租用私人飛機將有助於管理層有效實現戰略目標,並提高出差時的靈活性與效率。飛機次分租協議的租金為5,600,000美元,由本集團內部資源支付。
力量發展集團有限公司(「本公司」)宣佈,於2024年8月2日與Wealth Galaxy Limited(「出租人」)簽訂飛機次分租協議,租期為12個月。出租人由張量先生全資擁有,並透過其信託Zhang Family Overseas Limited持有本公司控股股東King Lok Holdings Limited的股份,因此張量先生為本公司的關連人士。該次分租協議構成關連交易,但適用百分比率低於5%,故按上市規則第14A章處理。本公司主要從事煤炭產品的開採及銷售,並尋求業務多元化及海外投資。租用私人飛機將有助於管理層有效實現戰略目標,並提高出差時的靈活性與效率。飛機次分租協議的租金為5,600,000美元,由本集團內部資源支付。
Kinetic Development Group Limited (the "Company") announces that it has signed a subleasing agreement for an airplane with Wealth Galaxy Limited (the "Landlord") on August 2, 2024, with a lease term of 12 months. The Landlord is wholly owned by Mr. Zhang Liang and holds the controlling shareholder of King Lok Holdings Limited in the Company through its trust, Zhang Family Overseas Limited, and therefore Mr. Zhang Liang is a related party of the Company. The subleasing agreement constitutes a connected transaction, but the percentage rate is less than 5%, so it is handled in accordance with Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The Company is mainly engaged in the extraction and sales of coal products, and seeks business diversification and overseas investment. Renting a private plane will help management effectively achieve strategic goals and increase flexibility and efficiency when traveling. The rent for the sublease agreement of the airplane is USD 5,600,000, which will be paid by internal resources of the Group.
Kinetic Development Group Limited (the "Company") announces that it has signed a subleasing agreement for an airplane with Wealth Galaxy Limited (the "Landlord") on August 2, 2024, with a lease term of 12 months. The Landlord is wholly owned by Mr. Zhang Liang and holds the controlling shareholder of King Lok Holdings Limited in the Company through its trust, Zhang Family Overseas Limited, and therefore Mr. Zhang Liang is a related party of the Company. The subleasing agreement constitutes a connected transaction, but the percentage rate is less than 5%, so it is handled in accordance with Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The Company is mainly engaged in the extraction and sales of coal products, and seeks business diversification and overseas investment. Renting a private plane will help management effectively achieve strategic goals and increase flexibility and efficiency when traveling. The rent for the sublease agreement of the airplane is USD 5,600,000, which will be paid by internal resources of the Group.

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