

STELUX HOLDINGS: Annual Report 2024

HKEX ·  Jul 19, 2024 13:27

Summary by Futu AI

STELUX HOLDINGS(斯泰克斯控股)於2024年3月31日結束的財年發布了年度報告。報告顯示,公司2024年度的收入為7.676億港元,淨利潤為4.733億港元,截至2024年3月31日的股東資金為9.066億港元,每股收益為0.4521港元。斯泰克斯控股主要從事手錶零售和批發貿易的投資控股公司。在業務回顧中,手錶零售部門在香港、澳門和中國大陸的收入為3.215億港元,在亞洲其他地區的收入為2.215億港元;手錶批發貿易部門的收入為2.245億港元。公司的主要收入來源包括未上市股權投資的股息收入、出售持有待售資產和子公司的收益,以及重新衡量前年收購子公司的递延對價。公司的財務風險包括...展開全部
STELUX HOLDINGS(斯泰克斯控股)於2024年3月31日結束的財年發布了年度報告。報告顯示,公司2024年度的收入為7.676億港元,淨利潤為4.733億港元,截至2024年3月31日的股東資金為9.066億港元,每股收益為0.4521港元。斯泰克斯控股主要從事手錶零售和批發貿易的投資控股公司。在業務回顧中,手錶零售部門在香港、澳門和中國大陸的收入為3.215億港元,在亞洲其他地區的收入為2.215億港元;手錶批發貿易部門的收入為2.245億港元。公司的主要收入來源包括未上市股權投資的股息收入、出售持有待售資產和子公司的收益,以及重新衡量前年收購子公司的递延對價。公司的財務風險包括外匯風險、利率風險、信用風險和流動性風險。斯泰克斯控股的資本管理策略包括調整股息支付、向股東返還資本、發行新股或出售資產以減少債務,截至2024年3月31日的負債比率為18.3%。此外,公司實施了確定性貢獻退休計劃,並為員工休假權益和終止福利設立了準備金。政府補助在確定集團將遵守附帶條件且補助將被接收時認列。股息分配在公司股東或董事批准的期間認定為負債。報告期後的事件,調整事件反映在合併財務報表中,非調整事件在材料時在附註中披露。
STELUX HOLDINGS released its annual report for the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2024. The report shows that the company's revenue for 2024 was HKD 0.7676 billion, net profit was HKD 0.4733 billion, and shareholder's fund as of March 31, 2024 was HKD 0.9066 billion. The EPS was HKD 0.4521. STELUX HOLDINGS mainly invests in controlling companies engaged in the retail and wholesale trade of watches. In the business review, the revenue of the watch retail department was HKD 0.3215 billion in Hong Kong, Macao, and mainland China, and HKD 0.2215 billion in other parts of Asia; the revenue of the watch wholesale trade department was HKD 0.2245 billion. The company's main sources of income include dividend income from unlisted equity investments, proceeds from the sale of held...Show More
STELUX HOLDINGS released its annual report for the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2024. The report shows that the company's revenue for 2024 was HKD 0.7676 billion, net profit was HKD 0.4733 billion, and shareholder's fund as of March 31, 2024 was HKD 0.9066 billion. The EPS was HKD 0.4521. STELUX HOLDINGS mainly invests in controlling companies engaged in the retail and wholesale trade of watches. In the business review, the revenue of the watch retail department was HKD 0.3215 billion in Hong Kong, Macao, and mainland China, and HKD 0.2215 billion in other parts of Asia; the revenue of the watch wholesale trade department was HKD 0.2245 billion. The company's main sources of income include dividend income from unlisted equity investments, proceeds from the sale of held-for-sale assets and subsidiaries, and deferred consideration for the acquisition of subsidiaries re-measured in the previous year. The company's financial risks include forex risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk. STELUX HOLDINGS' capital management strategy includes adjusting dividend payments, returning capital to shareholders, issuing new shares or selling assets to reduce debt. The debt-to-equity ratio as of March 31, 2024 was 18.3%. In addition, the company has implemented a defined contribution retirement plan and established reserves for employee leave and termination benefits. Government grants are recognized when it is probable that the group will comply with the conditions attached to the grants and the grants will be received. Dividend distributions are recognized as liabilities when approved by the company's shareholders or directors. Adjusting events after the reporting period are reflected in the consolidated financial statements, and non-adjusting events are disclosed in notes when significant.

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