


HKEX ·  Jul 18, 2024 16:54

Summary by Futu AI

安领国际(EDVANCE INTL)將於2024年8月23日(星期五)上午10時30分舉行股東週年大會。會議地點為香港九龍觀塘巧明街98號The Millennity 1座25樓。股東將審議包括核准經審核綜合財務報表、董事及核數師報告、董事選舉、董事薪酬、核數師聘任及薪酬決定等議案。此外,將討論授權董事會發行及處置不超過已發行股份總數20%的股份,以及購回不超過已發行股份總數10%的股份。股東亦將決定是否擴大發行股份的一般授權,以包括購回的股份。所有決議案的全文已於2024年7月19日的通函中提供。股東可委任代表出席大會並投票,代表委任表格須於大會指定舉行時間48小時前交回。
安领国际(EDVANCE INTL)將於2024年8月23日(星期五)上午10時30分舉行股東週年大會。會議地點為香港九龍觀塘巧明街98號The Millennity 1座25樓。股東將審議包括核准經審核綜合財務報表、董事及核數師報告、董事選舉、董事薪酬、核數師聘任及薪酬決定等議案。此外,將討論授權董事會發行及處置不超過已發行股份總數20%的股份,以及購回不超過已發行股份總數10%的股份。股東亦將決定是否擴大發行股份的一般授權,以包括購回的股份。所有決議案的全文已於2024年7月19日的通函中提供。股東可委任代表出席大會並投票,代表委任表格須於大會指定舉行時間48小時前交回。
Edvance Intl will hold its annual shareholder meeting on August 23, 2024 (Friday) at 10:30am. The meeting will take place at 25/F, The Millennity 1, 98 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong. The shareholders will deliberate on resolutions including the approval of audited financial statements, director and auditor reports, director election, director remuneration, auditor appointment and remuneration decisions. In addition, authorization will be discussed for the board of directors to issue and dispose of no more than 20% of the total issued shares, as well as to repurchase no more than 10% of the total issued shares. Shareholders will also decide whether to expand the general authorization for the issuance of shares to include repurchased shares. The full text of all resolutions has been provided in a notice dated July 19, 2024. Shareholders may appoint representatives to attend the meeting and vote, and appointment forms for representatives must be submitted 48 hours before the designated meeting time.
Edvance Intl will hold its annual shareholder meeting on August 23, 2024 (Friday) at 10:30am. The meeting will take place at 25/F, The Millennity 1, 98 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong. The shareholders will deliberate on resolutions including the approval of audited financial statements, director and auditor reports, director election, director remuneration, auditor appointment and remuneration decisions. In addition, authorization will be discussed for the board of directors to issue and dispose of no more than 20% of the total issued shares, as well as to repurchase no more than 10% of the total issued shares. Shareholders will also decide whether to expand the general authorization for the issuance of shares to include repurchased shares. The full text of all resolutions has been provided in a notice dated July 19, 2024. Shareholders may appoint representatives to attend the meeting and vote, and appointment forms for representatives must be submitted 48 hours before the designated meeting time.

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