


HKEX ·  Jul 11, 2024 18:24

Summary by Futu AI

毛記葵涌有限公司(「本公司」)於2024年7月11日宣布完成一宗收購交易,其間接全資附屬公司購入目標公司To Be Honest Limited 31%的已發行股本,交易代價為2,908,152港元。此次收購前,目標公司分別由賣方A、賣方B和賣方C以及買方持有37.5%、37.5%、5%及20%的股份。交易完成後,買方將持有目標公司51%的股份,使目標公司成為本公司的間接非全資附屬公司,並將其財務業績納入本集團的財務報表。目標公司主要從事廣告及推廣服務,此次收購有助於本集團擴大市場份額及增加收益。根據上市規則,此交易屬於須予披露交易。
毛記葵涌有限公司(「本公司」)於2024年7月11日宣布完成一宗收購交易,其間接全資附屬公司購入目標公司To Be Honest Limited 31%的已發行股本,交易代價為2,908,152港元。此次收購前,目標公司分別由賣方A、賣方B和賣方C以及買方持有37.5%、37.5%、5%及20%的股份。交易完成後,買方將持有目標公司51%的股份,使目標公司成為本公司的間接非全資附屬公司,並將其財務業績納入本集團的財務報表。目標公司主要從事廣告及推廣服務,此次收購有助於本集團擴大市場份額及增加收益。根據上市規則,此交易屬於須予披露交易。
Mao Ji Kwai Chung Limited (the 'Company') announced on July 11, 2024, that it has completed an acquisition transaction, during which its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary acquired 31% of the issued share capital of the target company To Be Honest Limited, for a transaction price of 2,908,152 Hong Kong dollars. Prior to this acquisition, the target company was held by Seller A, Seller B, and Seller C, as well as the buyer, with respective shareholdings of 37.5%, 37.5%, 5%, and 20%. After the transaction, the buyer will hold 51% of the target company's shares, making it an indirect non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, and its financial results will be incorporated into the financial statements of the Group. The target company is mainly engaged in advertising and promotion services, and this acquisition will help the Group to expand its market share and increase revenue. According to the listing rules, this transaction is classified as a disclosable transaction.
Mao Ji Kwai Chung Limited (the 'Company') announced on July 11, 2024, that it has completed an acquisition transaction, during which its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary acquired 31% of the issued share capital of the target company To Be Honest Limited, for a transaction price of 2,908,152 Hong Kong dollars. Prior to this acquisition, the target company was held by Seller A, Seller B, and Seller C, as well as the buyer, with respective shareholdings of 37.5%, 37.5%, 5%, and 20%. After the transaction, the buyer will hold 51% of the target company's shares, making it an indirect non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, and its financial results will be incorporated into the financial statements of the Group. The target company is mainly engaged in advertising and promotion services, and this acquisition will help the Group to expand its market share and increase revenue. According to the listing rules, this transaction is classified as a disclosable transaction.

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