
越秀地產:公告 - 建議發行人民幣1,690,000,000元於二零二七年到期之4.10厘有擔保綠色票據


HKEX ·  Jul 8 08:00
Summary by Futu AI
On July 5, 2024, Yuexiu Property announced that the company had signed a subscription agreement with joint underwriters for the issuance of RMB 1.69 billion (4.10% secured green bonds) with maturity in 2027. The green bonds will only be issued to professional investors and applied for listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The proceeds will be used to refinance the group's medium and long-term overseas debt due within one year and specially allocated for eligible green projects. The issuance of green bonds and the completion of the subscription agreement are subject to various conditions, including approval for listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Shareholders and potential investors should act prudently as the subscription agreement and green bond issuance may not be completed.
On July 5, 2024, Yuexiu Property announced that the company had signed a subscription agreement with joint underwriters for the issuance of RMB 1.69 billion (4.10% secured green bonds) with maturity in 2027. The green bonds will only be issued to professional investors and applied for listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The proceeds will be used to refinance the group's medium and long-term overseas debt due within one year and specially allocated for eligible green projects. The issuance of green bonds and the completion of the subscription agreement are subject to various conditions, including approval for listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Shareholders and potential investors should act prudently as the subscription agreement and green bond issuance may not be completed.

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