Summary by Futu AI
Sino Oil & Gas Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 00702) submitted the latest monthly report on securities changes to the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited on July 2, 2024, covering the situation until June 30, 2024. The report shows that the company's legal/registered share capital and the number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares) remained unchanged in that month, with a total of 10,000,000,000 shares and a par value of HKD 0.1 per share, totaling HKD 1,000,000,000. In addition, the total number of issued shares of the company also remained at 3,345,439,069 shares without increase or decrease. The report also mentioned that the convertible bonds issued by the company on September 29, 2016, with a total amount of USD 130,000,000, may be converted into 6,012,500,000 new shares of stock with a conversion price of HKD 0.168 per share and has been approved by the shareholders' meeting on July 28, 2016. There are no additional or reduced issued shares or treasury shares within this month.