


HKEX ·  Jun 28 19:09
Summary by Futu AI
On June 28, 2024, Xiaopeng Motors successfully held its shareholder annual meeting in Guangzhou, China, and all the resolutions were formally passed. The voting results of the meeting showed that the resolutions including the accepted financial statements, board of directors' report and auditor's report, as well as the resolutions to re-elect Mr. Zhang Hongjiang and Ms. Qu Fang as independent non-executive directors, were supported by the vast majority of shareholders. In addition, the resolutions to authorize the board of directors to determine director remuneration, reappoint auditors, issue additional class A ordinary shares, repurchase company shares and/or American depositary shares, and expand the authorization of the board of directors to issue shares were also passed. The monitoring work of...Show More
On June 28, 2024, Xiaopeng Motors successfully held its shareholder annual meeting in Guangzhou, China, and all the resolutions were formally passed. The voting results of the meeting showed that the resolutions including the accepted financial statements, board of directors' report and auditor's report, as well as the resolutions to re-elect Mr. Zhang Hongjiang and Ms. Qu Fang as independent non-executive directors, were supported by the vast majority of shareholders. In addition, the resolutions to authorize the board of directors to determine director remuneration, reappoint auditors, issue additional class A ordinary shares, repurchase company shares and/or American depositary shares, and expand the authorization of the board of directors to issue shares were also passed. The monitoring work of the shareholders' annual meeting was undertaken by Zhuojia Securities Registration Co., Ltd. During the meeting, Mr. Yang Fei announced his resignation as non-executive director due to personal business arrangements, and confirmed that he had no disagreement with the board of directors or the company. The board of directors expressed gratitude to Mr. Yang for his contributions during his tenure. After the meeting, the board of directors included executive director Mr. He Xiaopeng, non-executive director Mr. Fu Jixun, and independent non-executive directors Mr. Yang Donghao, Ms. Qu Fang and Mr. Zhang Hongjiang.

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