

KIDZTECH: Annual Report 2023

HKEX ·  Jun 27, 2024 06:30

Summary by Futu AI

Kidztech Holdings Limited於2023年度報告中公佈,公司全年總收入由2022年的1.694億人民幣下降至2023年的1.314億人民幣。同期,毛利從2,830萬人民幣降至1,500萬人民幣。集團淨虧損亦由2022年的7,670萬人民幣增加至2023年的9,830萬人民幣。銷售費用從2022年的90萬人民幣上升至2023年的160萬人民幣,增長了80.3%。然而,行政開支大幅下降,從2022年的7,610萬人民幣降至2023年的3,510萬人民幣,降幅達53.9%。貿易及其他應收款項的減值損失從2022年的約2,400萬人民幣增加至2023年的約4,070萬人民幣。稅務開...展開全部
Kidztech Holdings Limited於2023年度報告中公佈,公司全年總收入由2022年的1.694億人民幣下降至2023年的1.314億人民幣。同期,毛利從2,830萬人民幣降至1,500萬人民幣。集團淨虧損亦由2022年的7,670萬人民幣增加至2023年的9,830萬人民幣。銷售費用從2022年的90萬人民幣上升至2023年的160萬人民幣,增長了80.3%。然而,行政開支大幅下降,從2022年的7,610萬人民幣降至2023年的3,510萬人民幣,降幅達53.9%。貿易及其他應收款項的減值損失從2022年的約2,400萬人民幣增加至2023年的約4,070萬人民幣。稅務開支在2023年為690萬人民幣,而2022年則為稅務信貸約540萬人民幣。截至2023年12月31日,集團的資本結構比率約為42.7%。在2023財政年度,集團未有重大投資、重要收購或出售子公司。董事會亦不建議派發2023財年的最終股息。集團的合併財務報表已由McMillan Woods(香港)審計。2023財年期間,集團未有購買、出售或贖回任何公司股份。此外,集團已遵守香港聯合交易所證券上市規則附錄C2中的環境、社會及管治報告指引。
Kidztech Holdings Limited announced in the 2023 annual report that the company's total revenue for the year decreased from RMB 169.4 million in 2022 to RMB 131.4 million in 2023. Gross profit also decreased from RMB 28.3 million to RMB 15 million over the same period. The group's net loss also increased from RMB 76.7 million in 2022 to RMB 98.3 million in 2023. Selling expenses increased by 80.3%, from RMB 900,000 in 2022 to RMB 1.6 million in 2023. However, administrative expenses decreased significantly from RMB 76.1 million in 2022 to RMB 35.1 million in 2023, a decrease of 53.9%. The impairment losses on trade and other receivables increased from approximately RMB 24 million in 2022 to approximately RMB 40.7 million in 2023. Tax expenses were RMB 6.9 million in 2023, compared to a tax credit of approximately RMB 5.4 million in 2022. As of December...Show More
Kidztech Holdings Limited announced in the 2023 annual report that the company's total revenue for the year decreased from RMB 169.4 million in 2022 to RMB 131.4 million in 2023. Gross profit also decreased from RMB 28.3 million to RMB 15 million over the same period. The group's net loss also increased from RMB 76.7 million in 2022 to RMB 98.3 million in 2023. Selling expenses increased by 80.3%, from RMB 900,000 in 2022 to RMB 1.6 million in 2023. However, administrative expenses decreased significantly from RMB 76.1 million in 2022 to RMB 35.1 million in 2023, a decrease of 53.9%. The impairment losses on trade and other receivables increased from approximately RMB 24 million in 2022 to approximately RMB 40.7 million in 2023. Tax expenses were RMB 6.9 million in 2023, compared to a tax credit of approximately RMB 5.4 million in 2022. As of December 31, 2023, the group's capital structure ratio was approximately 42.7%. The group did not make any significant investments, important acquisitions, or sell any subsidiaries in the 2023 fiscal year. The board of directors also did not recommend the final dividend for the 2023 fiscal year. The group's consolidated financial statements have been audited by McMillan Woods (Hong Kong). The group did not purchase, sell, or redeem any company shares during the 2023 fiscal year. In addition, the group has complied with the guidelines for environmental, social, and governance reporting in Appendix C2 of the Listing Rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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