


HKEX ·  Jun 26 22:56
Summary by Futu AI
Kidztech Holdings Limited於2023年12月31日結束的財政年度,公佈了經審計的年度報告和綜合財務報表。報告顯示,集團主要收入來自於設計、開發、製造及銷售玩具,以及從採購和銷售原材料及電子零件中獲得的額外收入。2023財年的總收入為1.314億人民幣,較上一年的1.694億人民幣有所下降。集團五大客戶的總收入佔比約76%,其中最大客戶佔23%。集團建議不派發2023財年的股息。由於在一般授權下放置股份,集團的股本增加,淨收益約為3,280萬人民幣。集團可供股東分配的儲備約為3.042億人民幣。報告中還披露了集團的環境、社會及管治(ESG)政策和表現,包括反貪腐培訓和社區...展開全部
Kidztech Holdings Limited於2023年12月31日結束的財政年度,公佈了經審計的年度報告和綜合財務報表。報告顯示,集團主要收入來自於設計、開發、製造及銷售玩具,以及從採購和銷售原材料及電子零件中獲得的額外收入。2023財年的總收入為1.314億人民幣,較上一年的1.694億人民幣有所下降。集團五大客戶的總收入佔比約76%,其中最大客戶佔23%。集團建議不派發2023財年的股息。由於在一般授權下放置股份,集團的股本增加,淨收益約為3,280萬人民幣。集團可供股東分配的儲備約為3.042億人民幣。報告中還披露了集團的環境、社會及管治(ESG)政策和表現,包括反貪腐培訓和社區投資。集團設定了一個五年目標,基於2021年的基準,將排放氣體強度和溫室氣體排放量減少5%。集團未涉及任何可能對其財務狀況或營運產生重大不利影響的法律訴訟。McMillan Woods (Hong Kong) CPA Limited為審計師,將在即將舉行的年度股東大會上提議重新任命。集團已按照上市規則第13.21條披露其與香港持牌放債人簽訂的貸款協議的持續性義務。
Kidztech Holdings Limited released its audited annual report and financial statements for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023. According to the report, the group's main revenue comes from the design, development, manufacturing, and sales of toys, as well as additional revenue from purchasing and selling raw materials and electronic parts. The total revenue for the 2023 fiscal year was CNY 131.4 million, a decrease from CNY 169.4 million the previous year. The total revenue from the group's top five customers accounts for about 76%, with the largest customer holding 23%. The group proposed no dividend for the 2023 fiscal year. Due to the issuance of shares under general mandate, the group's share capital increased, and net income was approximately CNY 32.8 million. The group...Show More
Kidztech Holdings Limited released its audited annual report and financial statements for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023. According to the report, the group's main revenue comes from the design, development, manufacturing, and sales of toys, as well as additional revenue from purchasing and selling raw materials and electronic parts. The total revenue for the 2023 fiscal year was CNY 131.4 million, a decrease from CNY 169.4 million the previous year. The total revenue from the group's top five customers accounts for about 76%, with the largest customer holding 23%. The group proposed no dividend for the 2023 fiscal year. Due to the issuance of shares under general mandate, the group's share capital increased, and net income was approximately CNY 32.8 million. The group has a reserve of approximately CNY 304.2 million available for distribution to shareholders. The report also disclosed the group's environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies and performance, including anti-corruption training and community investment. The group has set a five-year target to reduce gas intensity and greenhouse gas emissions by 5% based on the 2021 baseline. The group has not been involved in any legal litigations that could have a significant adverse impact on its financial condition or operations. McMillan Woods (Hong Kong) CPA Limited is the auditor and will be proposed for reappointment at the upcoming annual general meeting. The group has disclosed its continuing obligations with the Hong Kong licensed money lender under the loan agreement pursuant to Rule 13.21 of the Listing Rules.

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