


HKEX ·  Jun 26 18:27
Summary by Futu AI
China Jinmao Holdings Group Co., Ltd. ("China Jinmao") announced its board of directors and their respective roles and functions on June 26, 2024. The list includes Executive Director Mr. Zhang Zenggen as Chairman, Mr. Tao Tianhai as CEO, Mr. Zhang Hui as Senior Vice President, and Ms. Qiao Xiaojie as CFO. Non-executive directors include Mr. Cheng Yong, Ms. Chen Aihua, Mr. Chen Yijiang, and Ms. Wang Wei. In addition, Mr. Su Xijia, Mr. Sun Wende, Mr. Gao Shibin, and Mr. Zhong Wei were listed as independent non-executive directors. The company also announced the members of each committee, including the Audit Committee, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, the Strategic and Investment Committee, the Independent Directors' Committee, and the ESG Committee, and stated that Mr. Su Xijia and Mr. Zhong Wei serve as chairs of several committees.
China Jinmao Holdings Group Co., Ltd. ("China Jinmao") announced its board of directors and their respective roles and functions on June 26, 2024. The list includes Executive Director Mr. Zhang Zenggen as Chairman, Mr. Tao Tianhai as CEO, Mr. Zhang Hui as Senior Vice President, and Ms. Qiao Xiaojie as CFO. Non-executive directors include Mr. Cheng Yong, Ms. Chen Aihua, Mr. Chen Yijiang, and Ms. Wang Wei. In addition, Mr. Su Xijia, Mr. Sun Wende, Mr. Gao Shibin, and Mr. Zhong Wei were listed as independent non-executive directors. The company also announced the members of each committee, including the Audit Committee, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, the Strategic and Investment Committee, the Independent Directors' Committee, and the ESG Committee, and stated that Mr. Su Xijia and Mr. Zhong Wei serve as chairs of several committees.

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