


HKEX ·  Jun 21 19:01
Summary by Futu AI
Top Standard Corporation(「本公司」)於2024年6月21日成功舉行股東週年大會,並通過所有提呈的普通決議案。本公司已發行股份總數為165,888,000股,股東均享有出席會議及投票的權利,且投票過程中無任何限制或放棄投票的情況。會議上,包括董事報告、獨立核數師報告的採納,董事的重選與酬金的釐定,以及德博會計師事務所有限公司續聘為獨立核數師等事項均獲全數贊成票通過。此外,董事會亦獲得一般授權,以配發、發行及處理股份,並獲授權回購股份。股東週年大會的詳細投票結果已於通告中公布。本公司董事會確認,相關資料準確無誤,並無遺漏。會議結果將於本公司網站及聯交所網站公布。
Top Standard Corporation(「本公司」)於2024年6月21日成功舉行股東週年大會,並通過所有提呈的普通決議案。本公司已發行股份總數為165,888,000股,股東均享有出席會議及投票的權利,且投票過程中無任何限制或放棄投票的情況。會議上,包括董事報告、獨立核數師報告的採納,董事的重選與酬金的釐定,以及德博會計師事務所有限公司續聘為獨立核數師等事項均獲全數贊成票通過。此外,董事會亦獲得一般授權,以配發、發行及處理股份,並獲授權回購股份。股東週年大會的詳細投票結果已於通告中公布。本公司董事會確認,相關資料準確無誤,並無遺漏。會議結果將於本公司網站及聯交所網站公布。
On June 21, 2024, Top Standard Corporation successfully held its annual shareholder meeting and passed all proposed ordinary resolutions. The total number of issued shares of the company is 165,888,000, and the shareholders have the right to attend and vote at the meeting without any restrictions or waiver of voting rights. At the meeting, all matters including the director's report, adoption of the independent auditor's report, re-election of the directors and determination of their remuneration, as well as the re-appointment of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants as the independent auditor, were approved unanimously. In addition, the board of directors was authorized to distribute, issue and deal with shares, and authorized to repurchase shares. The detailed voting results of the annual shareholders' meeting have been announced in the notice. The board of directors of the company confirmed that the relevant information is accurate and complete. The meeting results will be published on the company's website and the Stock Exchange's website.
On June 21, 2024, Top Standard Corporation successfully held its annual shareholder meeting and passed all proposed ordinary resolutions. The total number of issued shares of the company is 165,888,000, and the shareholders have the right to attend and vote at the meeting without any restrictions or waiver of voting rights. At the meeting, all matters including the director's report, adoption of the independent auditor's report, re-election of the directors and determination of their remuneration, as well as the re-appointment of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants as the independent auditor, were approved unanimously. In addition, the board of directors was authorized to distribute, issue and deal with shares, and authorized to repurchase shares. The detailed voting results of the annual shareholders' meeting have been announced in the notice. The board of directors of the company confirmed that the relevant information is accurate and complete. The meeting results will be published on the company's website and the Stock Exchange's website.

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