
醫思健康:內幕消息 盈利警告


Hong Kong Stock Exchange ·  Jun 19 20:28
Summary by Futu AI
醫思健康(EC Healthcare)發布盈利警告,預告截至2024年3月31日止年度的財務表現將出現下滑。根據初步未經審計的綜合管理帳目,公司預計息稅折舊及攤銷前盈利將較上一財年的4.3億港元減少不超過10%,而純利則不會超過2,500萬港元,相比之下,2023年同期純利為1.07億港元。董事會指出,盈利下降主要由於利率上升導致借貸利息增加、新設立服務點營運槓桿較低、內生擴張新服務點增加折舊和攤銷費用、通貨膨脹壓力以及政府保就業計劃補貼減少。公司強調,這些數據尚未經審核,並可能受其他因素影響。醫思健康預計將於2024年6月27日或之前公佈詳細的綜合業績。
醫思健康(EC Healthcare)發布盈利警告,預告截至2024年3月31日止年度的財務表現將出現下滑。根據初步未經審計的綜合管理帳目,公司預計息稅折舊及攤銷前盈利將較上一財年的4.3億港元減少不超過10%,而純利則不會超過2,500萬港元,相比之下,2023年同期純利為1.07億港元。董事會指出,盈利下降主要由於利率上升導致借貸利息增加、新設立服務點營運槓桿較低、內生擴張新服務點增加折舊和攤銷費用、通貨膨脹壓力以及政府保就業計劃補貼減少。公司強調,這些數據尚未經審核,並可能受其他因素影響。醫思健康預計將於2024年6月27日或之前公佈詳細的綜合業績。
EC Healthcare issued a profit warning, projecting a decline in financial performance for the annual period ending on March 31, 2024. Based on unaudited comprehensive management accounts, the company expects a decrease in profit before tax, depreciation and amortization of no more than 10% compared to the previous fiscal year's HKD 430 million, with net profit not exceeding HKD 25 million, compared to HKD 107 million in the same period of 2023. The board of directors stated that the decline in profit is mainly due to the increase in lending interest rates, lower operating leverage of newly established service points, increased depreciation and amortization expenses from the introduction of new internal expansion service points, inflationary pressures, as well as reduced subsidies from government employment programs. The company emphasized that these figures have not been audited and may be affected by other factors. EC Healthcare is expected to release detailed comprehensive performance results by June 27, 2024, or earlier.
EC Healthcare issued a profit warning, projecting a decline in financial performance for the annual period ending on March 31, 2024. Based on unaudited comprehensive management accounts, the company expects a decrease in profit before tax, depreciation and amortization of no more than 10% compared to the previous fiscal year's HKD 430 million, with net profit not exceeding HKD 25 million, compared to HKD 107 million in the same period of 2023. The board of directors stated that the decline in profit is mainly due to the increase in lending interest rates, lower operating leverage of newly established service points, increased depreciation and amortization expenses from the introduction of new internal expansion service points, inflationary pressures, as well as reduced subsidies from government employment programs. The company emphasized that these figures have not been audited and may be affected by other factors. EC Healthcare is expected to release detailed comprehensive performance results by June 27, 2024, or earlier.

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