

Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust: Monthly Return for Collective Investment Scheme listed under Chapter 20 of the Exchange Listing Rules (other than listed open-ended Collective Investment Scheme) on Movements in Units (for the month ended 31 May 2024)

HKEX ·  Jun 3, 2024 16:22

Summary by Futu AI

Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust (Sunlight REIT) submitted the latest unit change monthly report to Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited on June 3, 2024. The report shows that the legal/registered number of shares of Sunlight REIT remained at 1,714,051,303 shares as of May 31, 2024, with no increase or decrease during the month. The report also stated that unit options, warrants granted, convertible notes, and other agreements or arrangements that may affect the number of units are not applicable. The report was submitted by the Company Secretary of Hang Seng Sunlight Asset Management Limited, Chung Siu Wa.
Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust (Sunlight REIT) submitted the latest unit change monthly report to Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited on June 3, 2024. The report shows that the legal/registered number of shares of Sunlight REIT remained at 1,714,051,303 shares as of May 31, 2024, with no increase or decrease during the month. The report also stated that unit options, warrants granted, convertible notes, and other agreements or arrangements that may affect the number of units are not applicable. The report was submitted by the Company Secretary of Hang Seng Sunlight Asset Management Limited, Chung Siu Wa.

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