Summary by Futu AI
CHINA PETROLEUM HOLDINGS LIMITED (THE “COMPANY”) SUCCESSFULLY HELD ITS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON 31 MAY 2024 AND ADOPTED ALL PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS. At the meeting, the shareholders unanimously approved six ordinary resolutions, including the adoption of the 2023 audited financial statements and the reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors, each of which received 100% approval. In addition, the shareholders also agreed to re-elect Dr. Dai Xiaobie as Executive Director, Dr. Zeng Qingyi as a Non-Executive Director and Dr. Wang Yanbin as an Independent Non-Executive Director. The meeting also authorised the Board of Directors to determine the remuneration of the Directors, to renew as Auditor of Lieshinderhao Accounting Firm of Hong Kong Limited, and to grant the directors general authority to...Show More