
中遠海控:進展公告 - 全資附屬公司就在建船舶訂立補充協議的關連交易


HKEX ·  May 30 06:19
Summary by Futu AI
中遠海控於2024年5月29日宣布,其全資附屬公司COSCO (CAYMAN) Mercury Co., Ltd.與揚州中遠海運重工有限公司就原先的四艘16,180TEU集裝箱船舶造船合約訂立補充協議。根據補充協議,四艘在建集裝箱船舶將由單一傳統燃料動力升級為傳統燃料加甲醇雙燃料動力,並將箱位調整為16,108TEU。交付時間由2025年6月至12月調整為2025年11月至2026年6月。原合約對價由每艘155百萬美元增加至183.5百萬美元,總對價由620百萬美元增至734百萬美元。該動力升級有助於船舶長期符合減排政策要求,並降低運營成本。補充協議的條款經雙方公平協商,並由公司自有資金支付補充對價。中遠海控表示,此舉符合其綠色低碳轉型發展戰略,並符合公司和全體股東的整體利益。
中遠海控於2024年5月29日宣布,其全資附屬公司COSCO (CAYMAN) Mercury Co., Ltd.與揚州中遠海運重工有限公司就原先的四艘16,180TEU集裝箱船舶造船合約訂立補充協議。根據補充協議,四艘在建集裝箱船舶將由單一傳統燃料動力升級為傳統燃料加甲醇雙燃料動力,並將箱位調整為16,108TEU。交付時間由2025年6月至12月調整為2025年11月至2026年6月。原合約對價由每艘155百萬美元增加至183.5百萬美元,總對價由620百萬美元增至734百萬美元。該動力升級有助於船舶長期符合減排政策要求,並降低運營成本。補充協議的條款經雙方公平協商,並由公司自有資金支付補充對價。中遠海控表示,此舉符合其綠色低碳轉型發展戰略,並符合公司和全體股東的整體利益。
Zhongyuan Sea Control announced on 29 May 2024 that its wholly-owned subsidiary COSCO (CAYMAN) Mercury Co., Ltd. has entered into a supplemental agreement with Yangzhou Zhongyuan Marine Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. for the original four 16,180TEU container shipbuilding contracts. UNDER THE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, FOUR CONTAINER SHIPS UNDER CONSTRUCTION WILL BE UPGRADED FROM SINGLE CONVENTIONAL FUEL POWER TO CONVENTIONAL METHYL DUAL-FUEL POWER AND HAVE THEIR CABIN CAPACITY ADJUSTED TO 16,108TEU. The delivery time has been adjusted from June to December 2025 to November 2025 to June 2026. The original contract counterprice increased from $155 million to $183.5 million per ship, and the total counterprice increased from $620 million to $734 million. This power upgrade helps ships meet emission reduction policy requirements in the long term and reduces operating costs. The...Show More
Zhongyuan Sea Control announced on 29 May 2024 that its wholly-owned subsidiary COSCO (CAYMAN) Mercury Co., Ltd. has entered into a supplemental agreement with Yangzhou Zhongyuan Marine Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. for the original four 16,180TEU container shipbuilding contracts. UNDER THE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, FOUR CONTAINER SHIPS UNDER CONSTRUCTION WILL BE UPGRADED FROM SINGLE CONVENTIONAL FUEL POWER TO CONVENTIONAL METHYL DUAL-FUEL POWER AND HAVE THEIR CABIN CAPACITY ADJUSTED TO 16,108TEU. The delivery time has been adjusted from June to December 2025 to November 2025 to June 2026. The original contract counterprice increased from $155 million to $183.5 million per ship, and the total counterprice increased from $620 million to $734 million. This power upgrade helps ships meet emission reduction policy requirements in the long term and reduces operating costs. The terms of the Supplemental Agreement are negotiated fairly by both parties and a supplemental exchange rate is paid by the Company's own funds. Sino-long Hai Control said the move is in line with its green low-carbon transformation development strategy and is in the overall interests of the company and all shareholders.

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